Bro. Erle Frayne Argonza
[Writ 10 May 2008, Quezon City, MetroManila]
Belated Happy Mothers’ Day to all mothers, women, Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Divine Mother! Glory be to our mothers!
I will substantiate today the thesis I made in a previous article about the effects of breaking of vows. Vow-breaking is the working of one’s ‘inner demon’ (see my article “Inner Demon, Doppelganger”), it is as demonic as any criminal act. Vows pledged to certain Orders are particularly those that will be dealt with heavy penalty by the Karmic Board, and the neutralization of effects is something I have no idea about for now. Let me meditate on that later.
Meantime, just to show to you what the deleterious effects of vow-breakage can do, let me cite some cases of brethren of my libertarian-service Order, the Phoenix. As I said in a previous article, to my own shock, I found out that Leviathan (Satan, Ahriman, Belzeebub, Anti-Christ) was himself actively involved in fragmenting Phoenix, and is likewise doing the same to many fellowship groups here and in other fallen planets. Right now I see the same pattern happening in the charismatic fellowship Couples for Christ, and pity this huge brotherhood it is fragmenting at a time when it has been showing great strides in its social development campaign (via the socialized housing Gawad Kalinga).
Here are some cases of what’s happening, as the brethren of Phoenix are now being engulfed by the most evil of energies from the 7th Dominion of the Dark Side:
· Jack M. Formerly Grand Premier of the supreme council, late 70s-early 80s. Committed to get active in reviving Phoenix in 1994, promised me not to join the Free & Accepted Masons. To my shock, he joined masonry, disappeared in Phoenix. And secretly got involved in gold smuggling overseas, through passenger plane operations…. Result: JM is today suffering from debilitating stroke. Slowly deteriorating, he’s almost in vegetable state.
· Roger M. Another leading youth Phoenix. Formerly from the chapter for Philippine School for Business Administration. Committed to be active and help me in reviving and re-engineering Phoenix to a grand order. Secretly got involved in overseas smuggling (gold, other contrabands), with Yakuza partners. He got caught, jailed, then went back home with brain damage. …Result: Since the mid-90s yet, he was a vegetable for life. Lucky enough, he’s got a devoted wife to take care of him. He’s till deteriorating gradually, and worsening by the day. Yet he lives.
· Tony S. One of the originals. Committed to help in re-engineering, but was half-hearted. Always found reasons not to get involved too much. Disrespected the innovations that I was introducing to the Order. Till he dropped out, around the late 90s…. Result: His wife divorced him, c 2001-02. Past his 50s, as a development professional he can’t get a job above the coordinator level, which makes him financially average if not troubled. Some brethren, such as Brod Ronald (his former colleague in a NGO), parted ways with him, on ideological grounds. At his age, in his own words, he said “hanggang ngayon wala pang nangyayari sa buhay ko” (till now nothing substantial has happened to my life). Coming from an intelligent man, who attended the premier university, what a pity!
· Cesar M. Formerly of UP Diliman chapter, married to Phoenix sister Annie M. Refused to even attend any of the Phoenix fellowships since after we met him in Sept. 1994. His wife Annie wished so much to get involved again, but was blocked by Cesar….Result: Annie began to suffer from debilitating cancer in the 90s. For almost a decade she suffered. Then, around 2005, she died of the ailment. Pity on this man, who knows not what he’s doing! I hope he won’t lose his only daughter, so cute and beautiful like her mother Annie. Or lose his advertising job, his only fund source.
· Arnel S. Another leading youth Phoenix. Formerly of Adamson University chapter. He’s been appearing in past anniversary and other events in 94-98. He showed enthusiasm to get involved, but always floated the excuse that he was a family man, was active in civil society (Left), had no time for Phoenix. …Result: Around the late 90s, his wife suffered from debilitating ailment (apparently cancer). In one surgery alone, his family had to spend nearly P400,000 which, in the 90s, was a fortune here. I never heard about him again till the 1998 anniversary.
· Jun M. Quite leading brethren, but mentally unstable. Began suffering from psychosis in mid-80s. Was able to function in his job for a while, till 1990. Before that, his wife Gina began a long bout with cancer. We’ve been together in civil society for a time, and he was among those who joined me to revive Phoenix in 1994. However, due to his lingering bout with schizophrenia, he couldn’t keep focus. Only in 1999 did he become active. Did some appreciable tasks. Then his wife died couples of years back. He’s still dysfunctional job-wise, he can only do volunteer work and is a bum till now. Lately, he betrayed me and the Order, put up another group with his factional pals, does not even know the consequences of his own action. What would you expect? The perennial loser guy. A jinx to his own family. Living a vicious circle.
· Jim M. The type who’d regard Phoenix as a mere loose club. Cronyist since we were youth, Jim had this aura of creating an inner circle even if he superficially relates to brethren. He was factional in youth, had Attention Deficit Disorder condition, was an underachiever and phlegmatic in personality. Committed to help me in re-engineering Phoenix in 1994. But he was so superficial in his behavior, ‘plastic’ as we called it in Filipino, his commitment was half-hearted. In the 1990s his own wife, a feminist leader, divorced him. He was simply unable to make his wife happy. Even in the new Phoenix (grand order), he hardly did anything appreciable such as to build a lodge. He recruited his cronies, and still aspires to build a club of his former activist cronies. Then, in 2005 he betrayed me, slandered me before a former boss with whom I departed ways for his group’s incompetence and unwelcoming behavior. This was the last straw. Already guilty of treachery, this guy never even put his foot forward to apologize, and instead moved to get his faction out of the Phoenix and is now building this club of cronies. What will happen next to him is worth observing.
More brethren will die in the coming years, and chances are that by 2012 all brethren will see deaths to themselves, or spouse or family member. Add to that the catastrophe of financial collapse, debilitating mental ailments, or any disaster that would come in ‘surprise’ fashion. Nothing is surprising about their destruction, come to think of it. They broke vows, broke with Phoenix like it were some garbage of shit, and what would you expect? They unwittingly unlocked the 7th-dimension Dark Energy veil!
So, you fellows out there better re-examine the couples of vows that you may have broken in the past or are about to break. As to the karmic penalties for the vow breakage, only the Karmic Board can fix that and revise it with the help of certain Boddhisattvas. Question is, do you even connect to Boddhisattvas? Do they even figure in your life paradigm? Save your own souls, fellows. God bless!
Finalist-PhilBlogAwards 2010

Finalist for society, politics, history blogs
Friday, May 23, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Bro. Erle Frayne Argonza
As I was browsing through the pages of the newspapers this morning, my eyes immediately caught the item about the China earthquake update. The latest quake flattened many towns to ground level, killing over 22,000 folks, and destroyed infrastructures thus cutting off the affected areas from outside relief operations. The quake registered 7.9 magnitude on Reichster.
That quake was 2000 times more powerful than the Big One that struck Luzon in the early 1990s and caused extensive damages across couples of regions and cities. Obviously much bigger, the China quake must be expected to wreak greater destruction than Luzon’s (Philippine’s) big tremor.
The difference between the Luzon and Sichuan (China) quakes is not just magnitude and damages however. The Luzon quake was natural, as it had got to do with tectonic plate movements. Past the Luzon quake came those secret innovations on building a new weapon of mass destruction or WMD, the leading one being the Tesla Earthquake Machine or Tesla-EM (my own term for it). China’s quake has got to do more with the latter, though its own authorities may keep mum about their findings.
Remember the big quakes that struck Japan and Indonesia lately, killing thousands and flattening towns and cities? The Indonesia quake even ignited tsunamis that devastated coastal towns and establishments across many countries? These two Asian countries were the first to taste the Tesla-EM, and Establishment media did what it can to deodorize and cover up the story, the byline being that it is ‘natural’ (sic!).
The great mind Tesla, world-class physicist and inventor-wiz, left behind so many of his innovations and R&D materials without formal publication. That is because he feared the implications of his findings, and so he rather chose to shut his mouth about them. The documents were then secured in the archives of the US Library of Congress (X1) and elsewhere (X2), leaving them largely unnoticed, until some techie-savvy ‘Indiana Jones’ would appear to immerse in them and find out for themselves the practical uses of those innovation designs.
One such design innovation has got to do with inducing earthquakes so powerful that even in areas without histories of quakes or located far away from quake fault lines, high magnitude quakes will be generated. Certain countries silently conducted their R&D about the matter, and must have been horrified about their outcomes that they kept the results (and the product prototypes) highly secretly guarded.
It was obviously the most promising WMD (in the perspective of madmen), as it pathetically downgraded the thermonuclear devices into kids’ toys. This is the real one, and the “beauty” of it all is that a prototype machine is so small it can be loaded entirely in a mere passenger luggage.
Aware of such a possibility, the leaders of the Aum cult of Japan did their own surreptitious networking and found some contacts (possibly yakuza and overseas mafia) to procure the new WMD. They then sent their guys to Australia that became their initial lab. Possibly realizing the unquestioned efficacy of the machine (after doing a micro-test down south), they reported the results to their central bosses in Japan… Onwards till the leadership was captured, allegedly for poison gas attacks in a railways area that killed thousands. The gas attack was possibly a mere cover up, to mask a possibly heavier onslaught—the big quake that struck Kobe.
After the Japan quake came the Indonesia quake & tsunami. Remember the 300,000+ dead and millions left without homes by this incident? The sinking of the affected island too? ….Then here’s the China quake, which came right after (1) the Tibetan fiasco and (2) the US discovery of an underground submarine base in the southeast (along sea lanes).
Just exactly what group unleashed this WMD on China? Was it the same group that struck both Indonesia and Japan? Were they the intelligence agents of certain powers that possess the WMD? Or is it a terrorist group, such as the Aum cult in Japan that may have been the culprit behind the big quake there?
Meantime, let us watch for more frequent big quakes to come whose magnitude and damage scales will boggle our minds. Every interest group will use the event for their own filthy propaganda for sure. But let us please watch and record, and do our research homework. My own country could be next.
[Writ 15 May 2008, Quezon City, MetroManila]
Friday, May 09, 2008
Bro. Erle Frayne D. Argonza
[Writ 04 May 2008, Quezon City, MetroManila]
Food wars are coming, prepare for the contingencies! This is now a visible possibility, so all those enthused development stakeholders and peace-builders better insert an extra agendum on their ‘key result areas’.
Given the so many sources of conflict that are natural resources related, the latest ones being the ‘water wars’, it is no longer a remote possibility that food wars will erupt in some ‘hot soup spots’ in the world. Such hot spots are not those ones the world knows today (e.g. Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Korean Peninsula, Taiwan-China strait) that can be potential starting points for great wars. But somehow, the areas and the food wars coming can ‘cross-cut’ the issues involving conflicts in the hot spots we know.
The scenario would be as follows:
· A convergence of volatilities in the global market would, at one conjuncture, lead to simultaneous price increases in food, oil/energy, metals, utilities. Hoarding then takes place at alarmingly uncontrollable levels. Shockingly, the old ‘policy tools’ to control prices and hoarding won’t work.
· Massive urban riots and upheavals in the affected rural areas take place. New militia groups will rise almost overnight, challenging both national armies and established warlord and rebel groups where these are found.
· Noticing that their own food, energy, base metal stocks are near or pass the critical points, affected states will then turn blind eye to the militias. Tying up with underworld for arms and information, the militias would then conduct quick eco-scan of neighboring countries that are relatively porous for food ransack operations. Key areas would be mapped out as professionally as possible.
· Noticing their own relative porosity, the panic response of affected food supplier states would be to plug their borders as quickly as they can before hothead militias come. They may do panic last-level talks with the state leaders of neighboring countries, who in turn will simply claim that they do not control warlord/militia groups at all. They may send token protection groups at the border.
· Anticipating such moves, the militias, forming cross-country alliances, will mount a coordinated surprise attack. Invasive entries will be done from around 5-6 country origins, using both dawn and dusk attacks. Simultaneous attacks via air, sea, land, rivers & lakes will be mounted on all fronts.
· Effectively unable to prevent the coordinated invasion, the national army/police of the affected state will watch in horror as the rapid moving invaders coalesce with internal players (‘dog of wars’ supplied by local mafia or related groups) to open and ransack warehouses.
· The invaders will then retreat back to their base origins as quick as they’ve entered the porous state. Hot pursuit is simply nil, save for a few sporadic gunfights with retreating forces.
· The affected state will then demand for indemnification or equivalent payment from the militias’ respective states, none of which may come at all. Given the already burgeoning subsidies by states to shore up domestic supplies and prevent further civil unrest due to the crisis, the states will simply have no resource for indemnification. To print more money for indemnification would be to risk hyper-inflation on top of an already inflationary environment.
· With hardly any sincere face-saving moves by the militias’ states, the affected state may then be provoked into a ‘call to arms’ and do some punitive attacks on some quick neighbors. It can also unleash the firepower of rebel groups from the ransacking countries that are based in its territory, arm these groups and make them lead punitive attacks.
· Unless cooler heads prevail in the region, a regional conflagration could ensue, hence widening the latitudes of the conflict. The original ‘hot soup’ for the stomach then turns to a ‘hot caldron’ of total war. Multilateral efforts may fail for a time, as the conflicts happen in at least three (3) world regions.
Partners in development and peace, this scenario can no longer be ignored today. Let us all prepare for the eventuality. If it can be stopped by cutting off the bud before it blooms, whatever that may take, then let’s better do it as soon as we can. Time is now against us, I believe, as events are moving so fast they happen as soon as we forecast them, like the formation of the food cartels.
If there would still be time to constitute strategic studies teams that can eco-scan the planet and identify possible ‘hot soup spots’, this would be a welcome move. Failing to recognize the evolving contingency, let’s not get shocked at all when the paramilitary ‘dogs of war’ will be at the gates of the bereaved states. They deserve some ‘hot soup’ after all, we may surmise.
[Writ 04 May 2008, Quezon City, MetroManila]
Food wars are coming, prepare for the contingencies! This is now a visible possibility, so all those enthused development stakeholders and peace-builders better insert an extra agendum on their ‘key result areas’.
Given the so many sources of conflict that are natural resources related, the latest ones being the ‘water wars’, it is no longer a remote possibility that food wars will erupt in some ‘hot soup spots’ in the world. Such hot spots are not those ones the world knows today (e.g. Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Korean Peninsula, Taiwan-China strait) that can be potential starting points for great wars. But somehow, the areas and the food wars coming can ‘cross-cut’ the issues involving conflicts in the hot spots we know.
The scenario would be as follows:
· A convergence of volatilities in the global market would, at one conjuncture, lead to simultaneous price increases in food, oil/energy, metals, utilities. Hoarding then takes place at alarmingly uncontrollable levels. Shockingly, the old ‘policy tools’ to control prices and hoarding won’t work.
· Massive urban riots and upheavals in the affected rural areas take place. New militia groups will rise almost overnight, challenging both national armies and established warlord and rebel groups where these are found.
· Noticing that their own food, energy, base metal stocks are near or pass the critical points, affected states will then turn blind eye to the militias. Tying up with underworld for arms and information, the militias would then conduct quick eco-scan of neighboring countries that are relatively porous for food ransack operations. Key areas would be mapped out as professionally as possible.
· Noticing their own relative porosity, the panic response of affected food supplier states would be to plug their borders as quickly as they can before hothead militias come. They may do panic last-level talks with the state leaders of neighboring countries, who in turn will simply claim that they do not control warlord/militia groups at all. They may send token protection groups at the border.
· Anticipating such moves, the militias, forming cross-country alliances, will mount a coordinated surprise attack. Invasive entries will be done from around 5-6 country origins, using both dawn and dusk attacks. Simultaneous attacks via air, sea, land, rivers & lakes will be mounted on all fronts.
· Effectively unable to prevent the coordinated invasion, the national army/police of the affected state will watch in horror as the rapid moving invaders coalesce with internal players (‘dog of wars’ supplied by local mafia or related groups) to open and ransack warehouses.
· The invaders will then retreat back to their base origins as quick as they’ve entered the porous state. Hot pursuit is simply nil, save for a few sporadic gunfights with retreating forces.
· The affected state will then demand for indemnification or equivalent payment from the militias’ respective states, none of which may come at all. Given the already burgeoning subsidies by states to shore up domestic supplies and prevent further civil unrest due to the crisis, the states will simply have no resource for indemnification. To print more money for indemnification would be to risk hyper-inflation on top of an already inflationary environment.
· With hardly any sincere face-saving moves by the militias’ states, the affected state may then be provoked into a ‘call to arms’ and do some punitive attacks on some quick neighbors. It can also unleash the firepower of rebel groups from the ransacking countries that are based in its territory, arm these groups and make them lead punitive attacks.
· Unless cooler heads prevail in the region, a regional conflagration could ensue, hence widening the latitudes of the conflict. The original ‘hot soup’ for the stomach then turns to a ‘hot caldron’ of total war. Multilateral efforts may fail for a time, as the conflicts happen in at least three (3) world regions.
Partners in development and peace, this scenario can no longer be ignored today. Let us all prepare for the eventuality. If it can be stopped by cutting off the bud before it blooms, whatever that may take, then let’s better do it as soon as we can. Time is now against us, I believe, as events are moving so fast they happen as soon as we forecast them, like the formation of the food cartels.
If there would still be time to constitute strategic studies teams that can eco-scan the planet and identify possible ‘hot soup spots’, this would be a welcome move. Failing to recognize the evolving contingency, let’s not get shocked at all when the paramilitary ‘dogs of war’ will be at the gates of the bereaved states. They deserve some ‘hot soup’ after all, we may surmise.
Dark Lodge,
food crisis,
New World Order,
Bro. Erle Frayne D. Argonza
[Writ 03 May 2008, Quezon City, MetroManila]
Good day, Fellows!
You see, if you’re going to beg (panic buy) from any rice trader in Cagayan Valley (northern Philippines) for some rice, accompanied by your melancholic look like as if all rice will disappear from Earth very soon, the stunned trader would most likely say, “you’re asking only for a few rice? By golly we got mountain loads of them here!” “What? You say there’s a shortage of rice? Tell that to the Marines! What a Big Lie, this shortage!”
Development partners, peace builders, this is the latest news update I got on the ground. A structural engineer up north, who contracts projects for the Department of Agriculture, laughed with guffaws about the ‘shortage lie’ as he narrated to me his fresh reportage passed on to him by traders. There’s plenty of rice to last for months, for Christ’s sake!
Look at what the organized chaos had done so far here in Manila and other regions. It had made the poorer more pathetic as they have to line up for supposedly cheap rice, made to believe as they are by public relations Pied Pipers that rice is going to run out soon. We’re almost near to stampedes here already, thanks heavens there’s still some dignity left among our poor folks they won’t stampede for rice alone. They would do that for a Wowowie TV program that promises to turn them into millionaires overnight, but to stampede for 5 kilograms of rice? Hello! Our folks are too civilized to buy that bullet.
To continue, listen to what some traders said: “Kabayan, how tragic this shortage lie had done not only to our poor but to us traders. We got so huge stocks in the warehouses, but now we cannot just bring them to Manila for unloading, afraid that no retailer might buy them because suddenly their wholesale prices are sky high. So now even our pockets have to wait for the more stable days. Sad!”
That’s the real picture at ground-level, Partners in development & peace. THERE IS NO RICE SHORTAGE. The shortage was stage-managed. Whether the theatrics was designed overseas and spilled over here, or that it’s only a domestic script is something worth investigating. Our intelligence community should get busy getting to this business of pinning down who staged managed what.
Meantime, the Thailand & Company (states) that cartelized rice recently has done an act that now seems reactive. It is pure and plain panic, disguised as anything worth the ‘rationalization’ of the rice sector. True, for a time this measure can stabilize rice price and bring it down a bit. But now, this company has to prove itself worthy to the global community that its cartelization effort—state-sponsored, using the nation-state as mediating instrument—will make rice available to rice-consumers at relatively reasonable (note: cheap is out of the question) and sustained supply.
If the Thailand & Co will fail to meet global expectations, its member-states will be stoned with fiery embers of public wrath. And that is because, by placing themselves in the line of fire between the global consumers (who were the ‘victims’ in the shortage game script) and the global financiers-speculators (the real culprits in the criminal rise of price rice and stage-managed shortage), the national cartels will be the vent object for public ire. And there it goes, the real culprits go unnoticed and unpunished.
The real story of the price fluctuations in grains and foods in general is that many hedge funds and related financiers decided to park their money a bit in food for their commodity futures operations, eventually driving prices higher up. The reason being that it’s safer to park and earn money in food, period. Look at how the hedge funds were burnt out by their over-exposures to the subprime housing in the USA, that’s enough a precedent for the same financiers to go to safer investment havens. Or else the various global stakeholders will focus their eyes on these gung-ho derivatives investors and ‘burn them at stake’ (criminalize in world courts, regulated via new global treaties and instruments).
And that’s where price stabilization would start later: regulate speculative finance, take down the ‘virtual economy’ based on predatory speculation, dismantle global monopolies, return to fixed currencies backed up by the gold standard, tax cross-border financial transactions, and so on. Quite a wish list for now, true. Crisis after crisis will bring us to their galvanization…and, returning to the ‘real economy’, there’ll be enough grains, cereals, staples for all the earth’s peoples.
[Writ 03 May 2008, Quezon City, MetroManila]
Good day, Fellows!
You see, if you’re going to beg (panic buy) from any rice trader in Cagayan Valley (northern Philippines) for some rice, accompanied by your melancholic look like as if all rice will disappear from Earth very soon, the stunned trader would most likely say, “you’re asking only for a few rice? By golly we got mountain loads of them here!” “What? You say there’s a shortage of rice? Tell that to the Marines! What a Big Lie, this shortage!”
Development partners, peace builders, this is the latest news update I got on the ground. A structural engineer up north, who contracts projects for the Department of Agriculture, laughed with guffaws about the ‘shortage lie’ as he narrated to me his fresh reportage passed on to him by traders. There’s plenty of rice to last for months, for Christ’s sake!
Look at what the organized chaos had done so far here in Manila and other regions. It had made the poorer more pathetic as they have to line up for supposedly cheap rice, made to believe as they are by public relations Pied Pipers that rice is going to run out soon. We’re almost near to stampedes here already, thanks heavens there’s still some dignity left among our poor folks they won’t stampede for rice alone. They would do that for a Wowowie TV program that promises to turn them into millionaires overnight, but to stampede for 5 kilograms of rice? Hello! Our folks are too civilized to buy that bullet.
To continue, listen to what some traders said: “Kabayan, how tragic this shortage lie had done not only to our poor but to us traders. We got so huge stocks in the warehouses, but now we cannot just bring them to Manila for unloading, afraid that no retailer might buy them because suddenly their wholesale prices are sky high. So now even our pockets have to wait for the more stable days. Sad!”
That’s the real picture at ground-level, Partners in development & peace. THERE IS NO RICE SHORTAGE. The shortage was stage-managed. Whether the theatrics was designed overseas and spilled over here, or that it’s only a domestic script is something worth investigating. Our intelligence community should get busy getting to this business of pinning down who staged managed what.
Meantime, the Thailand & Company (states) that cartelized rice recently has done an act that now seems reactive. It is pure and plain panic, disguised as anything worth the ‘rationalization’ of the rice sector. True, for a time this measure can stabilize rice price and bring it down a bit. But now, this company has to prove itself worthy to the global community that its cartelization effort—state-sponsored, using the nation-state as mediating instrument—will make rice available to rice-consumers at relatively reasonable (note: cheap is out of the question) and sustained supply.
If the Thailand & Co will fail to meet global expectations, its member-states will be stoned with fiery embers of public wrath. And that is because, by placing themselves in the line of fire between the global consumers (who were the ‘victims’ in the shortage game script) and the global financiers-speculators (the real culprits in the criminal rise of price rice and stage-managed shortage), the national cartels will be the vent object for public ire. And there it goes, the real culprits go unnoticed and unpunished.
The real story of the price fluctuations in grains and foods in general is that many hedge funds and related financiers decided to park their money a bit in food for their commodity futures operations, eventually driving prices higher up. The reason being that it’s safer to park and earn money in food, period. Look at how the hedge funds were burnt out by their over-exposures to the subprime housing in the USA, that’s enough a precedent for the same financiers to go to safer investment havens. Or else the various global stakeholders will focus their eyes on these gung-ho derivatives investors and ‘burn them at stake’ (criminalize in world courts, regulated via new global treaties and instruments).
And that’s where price stabilization would start later: regulate speculative finance, take down the ‘virtual economy’ based on predatory speculation, dismantle global monopolies, return to fixed currencies backed up by the gold standard, tax cross-border financial transactions, and so on. Quite a wish list for now, true. Crisis after crisis will bring us to their galvanization…and, returning to the ‘real economy’, there’ll be enough grains, cereals, staples for all the earth’s peoples.
New World Order,
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Bro. Erle Frayne Argonza
[Writ 28 April 2008, Quezon City, MetroManila]
We’re having a production-related problem with rice today in the Philippines today, which looks more like an echo problem of a larger global phenomenon of food crisis. Riots have already been experienced in at least 33 countries, and we may expect the frequency to rise in the months ahead.
To single out production factors, and especially to pinpoint flawed land-use patterns as the cause of the crisis, tends to blur the real cause behind much of our peace and development problems in the world today. This crisis is one of the anarchic results of orchestrations done by financial speculators over a stretch of three (3) decades, followed through recently by food cartels’ machinations to heighten up their looting of the public’s resources via the food market.
Let us recall that as early as the 1980s, the move towards liberalizing the food markets and integrate this sector into the evolving ‘virtual economy’—by unleashing speculative practices on agricultural products via instrument of ‘commodities markets’—already crept into our national boundaries. Gradually did the pattern get integrated into a global mesh of transactions involving not only food but a long list of articles of trade and services being transacted via the secondary markets or hedge funds.
The objective, as far as this observer now sees it, is to emerge a few gigantic cartels globally that some day dominate a global oligopoly. Probably as little as five (5) such colossal mega-corporations will be well prepositioned to control global food, thus enabling their control not only of the gene stocks (intellectual properties) but of prices most of all.
This scenario is now happening in steel. As soon as we hit the 900+ tones per annum or TPA production of global steel in the 1990s, plans were already afoot to eventually cartelize steel via mergers of giant steel firms, with the participation of fund managers in the process and ownership structures. The merger of Mittal and Alcelor, which resulted to the gigantic firm that now produces over 100 tpa, had now clearly substantiated this long forecast move to cartelize steel. In the near future, just about 3-5 such giants, each one producing 150+ tpa, will be left to control the global market of steel.
Didn’t you notice the sudden fluctuations in the prices of metals globally beginning in the middle of this decade yet? Often than not, based on our experience of the depression-era Weimar Republic, this phenomenon of hyper-inflationary swings in base and precious metal prices are preceding events prior to a global depression. This time around, the panic created by the corresponding process would be the sweetening of the steel merger option (with fund manager participation or rather manipulation) and, voila! Steel cartels are up! Hail the Cartels to the highest heavens!
The pattern is getting to be noxiously obvious that even a mere high school student of economics and history could easily see them. This same pattern is now creeping thru the food sector, even as it has also been taking down aluminum, nickel, copper, gold, banking, retail, realty, and lots of more sectors, with steel being the prototype experiment.
For the sharp observers out there, do make your tallies now as to which of the present food giants would emerge the victors. I will not be surprised if one day, my country’s own biggest F&B group, the San Miguel Corporation, will be gobbled up, via a merger with a larger corporate fish, and melt out into existence except in mere concept and memory of a once mighty firm.
Start making your tallies now. Meantime, let’s also start tallying the riots and casualties due to famine and food-related problems, and see where the casualty level will reach before the 3-5 cartels will become sacrosanct global food market controllers. It surely takes so much blood spillage to advance the interests of the Global Oligarchy, this is what we can get from the picture.
[Writ 28 April 2008, Quezon City, MetroManila]
We’re having a production-related problem with rice today in the Philippines today, which looks more like an echo problem of a larger global phenomenon of food crisis. Riots have already been experienced in at least 33 countries, and we may expect the frequency to rise in the months ahead.
To single out production factors, and especially to pinpoint flawed land-use patterns as the cause of the crisis, tends to blur the real cause behind much of our peace and development problems in the world today. This crisis is one of the anarchic results of orchestrations done by financial speculators over a stretch of three (3) decades, followed through recently by food cartels’ machinations to heighten up their looting of the public’s resources via the food market.
Let us recall that as early as the 1980s, the move towards liberalizing the food markets and integrate this sector into the evolving ‘virtual economy’—by unleashing speculative practices on agricultural products via instrument of ‘commodities markets’—already crept into our national boundaries. Gradually did the pattern get integrated into a global mesh of transactions involving not only food but a long list of articles of trade and services being transacted via the secondary markets or hedge funds.
The objective, as far as this observer now sees it, is to emerge a few gigantic cartels globally that some day dominate a global oligopoly. Probably as little as five (5) such colossal mega-corporations will be well prepositioned to control global food, thus enabling their control not only of the gene stocks (intellectual properties) but of prices most of all.
This scenario is now happening in steel. As soon as we hit the 900+ tones per annum or TPA production of global steel in the 1990s, plans were already afoot to eventually cartelize steel via mergers of giant steel firms, with the participation of fund managers in the process and ownership structures. The merger of Mittal and Alcelor, which resulted to the gigantic firm that now produces over 100 tpa, had now clearly substantiated this long forecast move to cartelize steel. In the near future, just about 3-5 such giants, each one producing 150+ tpa, will be left to control the global market of steel.
Didn’t you notice the sudden fluctuations in the prices of metals globally beginning in the middle of this decade yet? Often than not, based on our experience of the depression-era Weimar Republic, this phenomenon of hyper-inflationary swings in base and precious metal prices are preceding events prior to a global depression. This time around, the panic created by the corresponding process would be the sweetening of the steel merger option (with fund manager participation or rather manipulation) and, voila! Steel cartels are up! Hail the Cartels to the highest heavens!
The pattern is getting to be noxiously obvious that even a mere high school student of economics and history could easily see them. This same pattern is now creeping thru the food sector, even as it has also been taking down aluminum, nickel, copper, gold, banking, retail, realty, and lots of more sectors, with steel being the prototype experiment.
For the sharp observers out there, do make your tallies now as to which of the present food giants would emerge the victors. I will not be surprised if one day, my country’s own biggest F&B group, the San Miguel Corporation, will be gobbled up, via a merger with a larger corporate fish, and melt out into existence except in mere concept and memory of a once mighty firm.
Start making your tallies now. Meantime, let’s also start tallying the riots and casualties due to famine and food-related problems, and see where the casualty level will reach before the 3-5 cartels will become sacrosanct global food market controllers. It surely takes so much blood spillage to advance the interests of the Global Oligarchy, this is what we can get from the picture.
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