Erle Frayne D. Argonza
October 2010
Good day to you all!
For this month, which was captured by the celebratory mood of the German Octoberfest, the world went through both tumultuous and celebratory moods.
I began this month with a publication of an article on “Fitness Program & Capacity-Building.” Being athletically and fitness-inclined, I began reflections with fitness & wellness as a way of reminding people about the supreme import of de-toxifying the body through a regular fitness program.
This analyst actually got sick by late September, an ailment that over-flowed till early October. I often get sick of severe allergic rhinitis, with the severity moving to acquiring inflammations with fevers.
So starting the month with physical wellness was also a way to remind myself to get back to the fitness game pronto, and go back to the gym as early as possible. By October the 5th I was back on the gym, back on a 4-day gym regimen, and back to long walks in the alleyways and nature sites of my work home south of Manila.
To reverb the times, storms hit the planet as usual, with Indonesia going through another flood episode. Indonesia seems to have solved its forest haze that was an issue sometime back, so we say our own kudos to the environmental precautions implementors in Jakarka and the ASEAN. Finally, there was the powerful 260 KPH typhoon that struck Luzon island of the Philippines.
The anti-terror campaign up North had found renewed vigor after the USA’s own celeb of the 9/11 event. This prompted me to write about concealed truths regarding the terrorist-makers of the USA and Europe, truth that trace such terror-makers right inside the Establishment of the two continents.
Meanwhile, we all watch as the North’s economies continue to flounder, with a 2nd recessionary dip threatening America altogether. Europe continues to wallow in the Jurassic flaks of the financiers (IMF-led) to institute austerity measures in the form of wage cut-backs, social services budgetary cuts, health benefits cuts, and so on.
Asia continued to kept the world in awe though, which is the positive side to the month. Asia’s stock markets continue to move up, defying patterns set in old fogey New York stock exchange (Dow Jones, Nasdaq). Asia’s growth patterns continue at sustained paces, with China on the lead, thus sustaining the global growth amid the downturns of the North.
In my own country, the patterns of growth have so far indicated the positive side. G.I.R. was at all time-high of $49.6 Billion (9-10 months imports), Balance of Payments or BOP stood at past $3B, exports & imports are back to high-growth times, unemployment remains checked at past 8%, and it was identified as the top investment area for Europeans to go to (per British financiers’ assessment).
The only black mark in RP’s growth pattern is the inability to meet the UN MDG target of cutting poverty by half by 2015 (poverty remains at 33% or more of the labor force). Aside from that, there’s the corruption low standing of the country in international yardsticks, something that chief exec Aquino should address very positively.
For the spirit of Octoberfest, Brazilian samba, and Asian world music, let’s celebrate our own growing sense of global brotherhood, peace and cooperation.
Finalist-PhilBlogAwards 2010

Finalist for society, politics, history blogs
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Prof. Erle Frayne D. Argonza
October 2010
Felicitous greetings to you all!
I hereby extend my most heartfelt gratitude to enthused readers and fellow writers who appreciated my notes about social life, wisdom and arts.
I realize, as I visited the search engines to monitory those sites that have cited and/or discussed my blogs, have been increasing by the week. My social blogs continue to be counted among the world’s top sociology blogs, which surely makes my heart very elated.
Indubitably, after your appreciation and support of my cyber-crusade, information about me on cyberspace increased by gigantic strides.
Special thanks to the following online news, magazines and portals for citing my notes as among the top blogs on cyberspace:
Thanks too to the following sites that have cited, discussed and debated on various notes of mine about a diversity of topics and themes:
Maraming salamat! Mabuhay kayo!
October 2010
Felicitous greetings to you all!
I hereby extend my most heartfelt gratitude to enthused readers and fellow writers who appreciated my notes about social life, wisdom and arts.
I realize, as I visited the search engines to monitory those sites that have cited and/or discussed my blogs, have been increasing by the week. My social blogs continue to be counted among the world’s top sociology blogs, which surely makes my heart very elated.
Indubitably, after your appreciation and support of my cyber-crusade, information about me on cyberspace increased by gigantic strides.
Special thanks to the following online news, magazines and portals for citing my notes as among the top blogs on cyberspace:
Thanks too to the following sites that have cited, discussed and debated on various notes of mine about a diversity of topics and themes:
Maraming salamat! Mabuhay kayo!
Erle Argonza,
sociology alltops,
Good day to all endeared readers, friends, fellow global citizens!
A truly gladdening news has been breaking the cybersphere of late. Prof. Erle Frayne Argonza, a social analyst and self-development guru from Manila, has been continuing to gain mileage in his magnanimous efforts to enlighten humanity about the current social and cosmic issues.
To date, dozens of online newspapers and magazines across the globe have featured Prof. Argonza’s writings on their very own websites. Championing the causes of peace and global cooperation, Prof. Argonza has continued to reach out to enthused readers, writers and spiritual seekers. The latter contributed to the upsurge in the numbers of citations of Argonza’s writings aimed at accelerating awareness-raising.
For your reads and exchange of notes about Prof. Argonza’s blogs, please visit:
Join now the growing numbers of global citizens who find Light in Prof. Argonza’s englightening blogs!
Argonza & Associates Consulting
October 2010
A truly gladdening news has been breaking the cybersphere of late. Prof. Erle Frayne Argonza, a social analyst and self-development guru from Manila, has been continuing to gain mileage in his magnanimous efforts to enlighten humanity about the current social and cosmic issues.
To date, dozens of online newspapers and magazines across the globe have featured Prof. Argonza’s writings on their very own websites. Championing the causes of peace and global cooperation, Prof. Argonza has continued to reach out to enthused readers, writers and spiritual seekers. The latter contributed to the upsurge in the numbers of citations of Argonza’s writings aimed at accelerating awareness-raising.
For your reads and exchange of notes about Prof. Argonza’s blogs, please visit:
Join now the growing numbers of global citizens who find Light in Prof. Argonza’s englightening blogs!
Argonza & Associates Consulting
October 2010
al jazeera,
Erle Argonza,
fox news,
Friday, October 22, 2010
Australia, racism, White supremacist, prejudice, discrimination, Indians, serial murders, Asia, Erle Argonza, technorati, news, cnn, fox news, bbc, sociology,
Erle Frayne D. Argonza
Racism has been a major issue in Australia. The gruesome racial attack by the Anglo-Saxons (whites) of the land down south has been particularly focused on Indians (Asians), a reality that is bluntly denied by the Australian central government.
To date, the frequency of murders against the Indians has been by the hundreds every year. To claim that each murder is an isolated case is hubris, a fascistic garbage aimed at treating colored peoples like ‘monkeys with no tails’ who cannot comprehend what human psyche is all about (i.e. white man psyche).
Australia is a Saxon nation, an appendage of the British Empire, and therefore a puppet of the Anglo-Saxon oligarchy based in Europe. It has been behaving recently as a nation hungry for world power status, ready to bamboozle its neighbors to the north with military might.
You might as well have a deeper knowledge of psychology and cognitive sociology (sociology of knowledge) to see for yourself what’s going on in the collective psyche of the Saxon Australians. A Saxon people that will do everything to exhibit racial arrogance will have no second thought in bullying colored peoples and taking them down as worthless ‘monkeys with no tails’.
From the Australian side, there has been the projection that terrorists among its neighbors are out to take down White Australians, and raised the precautionary flag to desist from traveling in Asia. While Saxon Australia has highlighted the flaks that its citizens did receive via bombings up North, it consciously conceals to the world the hundreds of Indians it kills every year in its own backyard.
Just exactly why Indians have been the subject of attacks is a puzzle to observers notably sociologists and anthropologists. Of course, the Australian observers have their versions of reasons for the gruesome attacks, with emphasis on the ‘isolated case’ perspective for their explanatory justifications.
Outside observers should go back to the contentions of Michel Foucault about the possibility of escalation of the mad discourse to be able to understand what’s going on down south. As the post-structuralists like Foucault were articulating, madness has been ascending to dominant level and replacing reason that has become inutile in the emerging postmodern context.
What outside observers need to see is that Foucault is a white man, and his thoughts were products of his own social context: the context of white society. White society’s mad discourse has been over-extended to other societies as well, which is an abusive resort to over-generalization.
Mad discourse is largely a phenomenon in white society, and Australia is no exception to the phenomenon. Australia is white society, with other races merely but fragments from the margins whose roles are negligible, secondary, subordinate and slave to the Saxons’.
Even the Islamic terror groups that Saxon Australians have been demonizing were creations of the British (Saxon) oligarchy via the espionage agencies. Bin Laden is a paymaster for the British intelligence, with his terror network used to justify mass terminations via warfare by the White nations on the Arabs and Moslems.
Of course the Saxons have the innate feeling of superiority and exclusive possession of wisdom, and they’d impose their thoughts on other peoples for as long as the institutions of mind control (mass media, books/culture industry) are in their hands. Colored peoples cannot reason out as they are ‘halfway between apes and man’.
“The ways of England are the ways of the world,” so exclaimed the hubris of Victorian Britain during its heydays. Today it is Australia that had donned the cloak of British imperialists, with the contention that “the ways of Australia are the ways of the Pacific” sort of subtlety.
Whether Asians will just idly observe the Saxon Australians demonstrate their hatreds and bigoted condescension over the colored peoples remains to be seen. Saxons have already terminated too many millions of colored peoples to count, enslaved too many millions too, plundered and looted too many nations, and so we ask ourselves how far we can trust the Saxons of the day (Australians, Americans, British, Canadians, New Zealanders).
We hope that a serious psychiatric test be administered on all of the Saxon Australians to give scientific credence to our queries about them. This way, there can be no more denial about what psyche the Australians possess. The findings can then be used by the Asians to decide how to relate to Australia as a whole.
[Philippines, 25 October 2010]
Erle Frayne D. Argonza
Racism has been a major issue in Australia. The gruesome racial attack by the Anglo-Saxons (whites) of the land down south has been particularly focused on Indians (Asians), a reality that is bluntly denied by the Australian central government.
To date, the frequency of murders against the Indians has been by the hundreds every year. To claim that each murder is an isolated case is hubris, a fascistic garbage aimed at treating colored peoples like ‘monkeys with no tails’ who cannot comprehend what human psyche is all about (i.e. white man psyche).
Australia is a Saxon nation, an appendage of the British Empire, and therefore a puppet of the Anglo-Saxon oligarchy based in Europe. It has been behaving recently as a nation hungry for world power status, ready to bamboozle its neighbors to the north with military might.
You might as well have a deeper knowledge of psychology and cognitive sociology (sociology of knowledge) to see for yourself what’s going on in the collective psyche of the Saxon Australians. A Saxon people that will do everything to exhibit racial arrogance will have no second thought in bullying colored peoples and taking them down as worthless ‘monkeys with no tails’.
From the Australian side, there has been the projection that terrorists among its neighbors are out to take down White Australians, and raised the precautionary flag to desist from traveling in Asia. While Saxon Australia has highlighted the flaks that its citizens did receive via bombings up North, it consciously conceals to the world the hundreds of Indians it kills every year in its own backyard.
Just exactly why Indians have been the subject of attacks is a puzzle to observers notably sociologists and anthropologists. Of course, the Australian observers have their versions of reasons for the gruesome attacks, with emphasis on the ‘isolated case’ perspective for their explanatory justifications.
Outside observers should go back to the contentions of Michel Foucault about the possibility of escalation of the mad discourse to be able to understand what’s going on down south. As the post-structuralists like Foucault were articulating, madness has been ascending to dominant level and replacing reason that has become inutile in the emerging postmodern context.
What outside observers need to see is that Foucault is a white man, and his thoughts were products of his own social context: the context of white society. White society’s mad discourse has been over-extended to other societies as well, which is an abusive resort to over-generalization.
Mad discourse is largely a phenomenon in white society, and Australia is no exception to the phenomenon. Australia is white society, with other races merely but fragments from the margins whose roles are negligible, secondary, subordinate and slave to the Saxons’.
Even the Islamic terror groups that Saxon Australians have been demonizing were creations of the British (Saxon) oligarchy via the espionage agencies. Bin Laden is a paymaster for the British intelligence, with his terror network used to justify mass terminations via warfare by the White nations on the Arabs and Moslems.
Of course the Saxons have the innate feeling of superiority and exclusive possession of wisdom, and they’d impose their thoughts on other peoples for as long as the institutions of mind control (mass media, books/culture industry) are in their hands. Colored peoples cannot reason out as they are ‘halfway between apes and man’.
“The ways of England are the ways of the world,” so exclaimed the hubris of Victorian Britain during its heydays. Today it is Australia that had donned the cloak of British imperialists, with the contention that “the ways of Australia are the ways of the Pacific” sort of subtlety.
Whether Asians will just idly observe the Saxon Australians demonstrate their hatreds and bigoted condescension over the colored peoples remains to be seen. Saxons have already terminated too many millions of colored peoples to count, enslaved too many millions too, plundered and looted too many nations, and so we ask ourselves how far we can trust the Saxons of the day (Australians, Americans, British, Canadians, New Zealanders).
We hope that a serious psychiatric test be administered on all of the Saxon Australians to give scientific credence to our queries about them. This way, there can be no more denial about what psyche the Australians possess. The findings can then be used by the Asians to decide how to relate to Australia as a whole.
[Philippines, 25 October 2010]
Erle Argonza,
fox news,
serial murders,
White supremacist
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Erle Frayne D. Argonza
Magandang araw! Good day!
The current century had opened up the landscapes to emerging realities worldwide, realities that include the multi-polar power structure. Superpower politics has become anathema to the emerging world order, and so let’s do some additional reflections on how the Jurassic policy architectures in America (re-asserting global police role as the only superpower) will continue to be re-defined till it blends with the new context altogether.
The paradox that we experienced at the turn of the century was that, as the new multi-polar power structure was already taking shape, the fascistic neo-conservatives took to the fore in America, calcified a hawkish policy of pre-emptive strike doctrine, and unilaterally declared America as the global police force charged to engage nations that have served as base for Islamic jihadist movements.
A ‘coalition of the willing’ was super-imposed on the global politico-military terrain, practically undercutting the powers of the United Nations to role-play a global police force. The hubris and arrogance that went with neo-cons militarism eventually saw the rapid isolation of the USA from the world community, an isolation that was reversed only with the advent of Obama and the return of Wilsonian foreign policy doctrine there.
The reinforcing question that crops up now is: to what extent can the diverse doctrinal groups in the USA ever come to terms with the emerging world context if ever? With the neo-cons now on the retreat, will there be a full return of the Brevzinski-Kissinger faction that has a more sinister future agenda for the USA to engage world powers notably Russia and China?
The millennium ushered a new reality in Latin America, as a shift towards Pink politics happened. Thereto, anti-US rhetoric scaled up to crescendo levels over the last two (2) decades, a phenomenon that practically saw the demise of the Monroe Doctrine.
Given such a situation, America must engage Latin America anew with a more cooperative stance than ever, renew ties with Cuba, and pay up for its old debts to the Latins incurred during America’s support of authoritarian regimes there. Failure to do so, the USA will be threatened with more drug intrusions and mafia operations south of its border, even as its intellectual-cultural hegemony of Latinos will drastically be ended by the latter (e.g. Latin dependence on the USA for development & peace consultants will be totally undercut).
With the new twist of events in Latin America, the USA is getting more focused in getting back the Brevzinski-Kissinger initiatives into place, revised to fit into the emerging reality of a China growing in power with a navy that has graduated to a ‘blue water’ navy altogether. That means China will be moving out its naval assets beyond the China Sea in the short-run, with top priority being the Indian Ocean that contains routes to very large trade traffics with East Asia, Africa, and Europe.
Jurassic forces are surely in command within the USA, same forces that have negotiated bilateral military treaties/agreements with countries all over. Some of those signatories are in the ASEAN region which the USA wants to affirm a subordinated role in its contesting for hegemony of the China Sea.
Let it be clarified that America’s economy is stagnating, and will most likely decline in the foreseeable future. Just exactly how it will sustain a militaristic hegemonism—in the absence of logistical base for such an undertaking—over the next decades remains a huge question mark.
The hawks of America are now a dying breed, yet the flawed and dangerous doctrines they cultivated in the foreign policy circles are still holding water. Hegemonism is in fact declining as a whole, as the necessity for economic, cultural, and political cooperation struts the global facade, thus altering foreign policy doctrines altogether.
A persistence of the antiquated doctrines would most likely transform the USA into a ‘praetorian state’, whose most definitive role is to initiate wars across diverse frontiers. The war efforts will be largely financed by the wealthiest oligarchic-financier interests who are well entrenched in the most powerful cities and regions of the planet, as America itself doesn’t possess the logistical resources to engage in combat operations.
The decline of Jurassic hegemonism in America just may not happen very soon. And for as long as such a hegemonism is present and wanting to foment conflicts the world over, America will be the subject of distrust and instantaneous isolations should it periodically resort to unilateralism to advance its war efforts.
[Philippines, 07 October 2010]
Magandang araw! Good day!
The current century had opened up the landscapes to emerging realities worldwide, realities that include the multi-polar power structure. Superpower politics has become anathema to the emerging world order, and so let’s do some additional reflections on how the Jurassic policy architectures in America (re-asserting global police role as the only superpower) will continue to be re-defined till it blends with the new context altogether.
The paradox that we experienced at the turn of the century was that, as the new multi-polar power structure was already taking shape, the fascistic neo-conservatives took to the fore in America, calcified a hawkish policy of pre-emptive strike doctrine, and unilaterally declared America as the global police force charged to engage nations that have served as base for Islamic jihadist movements.
A ‘coalition of the willing’ was super-imposed on the global politico-military terrain, practically undercutting the powers of the United Nations to role-play a global police force. The hubris and arrogance that went with neo-cons militarism eventually saw the rapid isolation of the USA from the world community, an isolation that was reversed only with the advent of Obama and the return of Wilsonian foreign policy doctrine there.
The reinforcing question that crops up now is: to what extent can the diverse doctrinal groups in the USA ever come to terms with the emerging world context if ever? With the neo-cons now on the retreat, will there be a full return of the Brevzinski-Kissinger faction that has a more sinister future agenda for the USA to engage world powers notably Russia and China?
The millennium ushered a new reality in Latin America, as a shift towards Pink politics happened. Thereto, anti-US rhetoric scaled up to crescendo levels over the last two (2) decades, a phenomenon that practically saw the demise of the Monroe Doctrine.
Given such a situation, America must engage Latin America anew with a more cooperative stance than ever, renew ties with Cuba, and pay up for its old debts to the Latins incurred during America’s support of authoritarian regimes there. Failure to do so, the USA will be threatened with more drug intrusions and mafia operations south of its border, even as its intellectual-cultural hegemony of Latinos will drastically be ended by the latter (e.g. Latin dependence on the USA for development & peace consultants will be totally undercut).
With the new twist of events in Latin America, the USA is getting more focused in getting back the Brevzinski-Kissinger initiatives into place, revised to fit into the emerging reality of a China growing in power with a navy that has graduated to a ‘blue water’ navy altogether. That means China will be moving out its naval assets beyond the China Sea in the short-run, with top priority being the Indian Ocean that contains routes to very large trade traffics with East Asia, Africa, and Europe.
Jurassic forces are surely in command within the USA, same forces that have negotiated bilateral military treaties/agreements with countries all over. Some of those signatories are in the ASEAN region which the USA wants to affirm a subordinated role in its contesting for hegemony of the China Sea.
Let it be clarified that America’s economy is stagnating, and will most likely decline in the foreseeable future. Just exactly how it will sustain a militaristic hegemonism—in the absence of logistical base for such an undertaking—over the next decades remains a huge question mark.
The hawks of America are now a dying breed, yet the flawed and dangerous doctrines they cultivated in the foreign policy circles are still holding water. Hegemonism is in fact declining as a whole, as the necessity for economic, cultural, and political cooperation struts the global facade, thus altering foreign policy doctrines altogether.
A persistence of the antiquated doctrines would most likely transform the USA into a ‘praetorian state’, whose most definitive role is to initiate wars across diverse frontiers. The war efforts will be largely financed by the wealthiest oligarchic-financier interests who are well entrenched in the most powerful cities and regions of the planet, as America itself doesn’t possess the logistical resources to engage in combat operations.
The decline of Jurassic hegemonism in America just may not happen very soon. And for as long as such a hegemonism is present and wanting to foment conflicts the world over, America will be the subject of distrust and instantaneous isolations should it periodically resort to unilateralism to advance its war efforts.
[Philippines, 07 October 2010]
Erle Argonza,
Latin America,
Monroe doctrine,
White supremacism
Monday, October 18, 2010
Erle Frayne D. Argonza
Magandang gabi! Good evening!
Obama’s aides—who have been with him all the way since electoral campaign days—are departing. We do hope to get to the bottom of the real reason behind the departures, such as those of his ideologue chief-of-staff, but it seems the answer will be confined to the White House as classified information.
What we ought to reflect on is, after the departures, where does the wind of public policy—domestic and international—blow for Obama’s government? Will the oversight/regulatory powers be reinforced somehow, to checkmate the intrusive manipulations of financiers in America’s economy? Will the Wilsonian inclination for democracy cum civil rights be sustained in foreign policy?
The North’s economists have already pronounced their evaluation of America’s and Europe’s economies, with pessimistic-to-gloomy forecasts of both continental economies over the next two (2) years. The stimulus package has clearly backfired, unemployment has ballooned to past 9% (may hit 10% by 2011), and poverty incidence has gone up to 15% (from the pre-crisis 12% level).
Meantime, Clinton is entrenched as foreign policy executor, and her presence bodes well for the Wilsonians who have always held sway in the state department. How much can Wilsonian clout remain till the rest of Obama’s term will be up for observation, more so that the midterm election is bound to erode the Democrats’ congressional seats.
To get straight to the point, with Republicans forecast to re-dominate both houses of legislature, both domestic and foreign policy directions are bound to alter. On the foreign policy front, the isolationism of traditional Republicans may come back, thus undermining the ‘engagement policy’ of the Obama regime in the short run.
How many Obama aides are bound to depart soon we can only surmise for now. But it seems that as a forecast fallout of Democrats increases by the day, so shall the Obama aides get to have some quantitative reductions too.
The quantitative reductions in aides could tip the balance inside the White House in favor of a certain policy initiative. So we observers have no choice but to stay glued to the changes right within Obama’s headquarters. We can only hope that a resurgence of the neo-conservatives, who hold sway in Pentagon & Defense, won’t be in the offing.
With the USA’s possible spiral down a 2nd recessionary dip, a return of the hawkish neo-cons to power (they’d be dictating terms for Obama behind closed doors) would spell the doom to America’s prestige worldwide. A neo-cons return would coincide with Israel’s unilateral plan to strike down Iran in hot warfare, an act that could take Obama down the global esteem ratings if he will resonate with the hawks.
The electoral campaigns are now heating up as the polls near, so let us monitor the events very closely in the USA. Just exactly who those Republican additions are in both houses will galvanize very soon, bringing along with them the Jurassic solutions of Reaganomics cum Bush tax cuts, along with Federal Reserve antique tool of interest rate intervention.
[Philippines, 06 October 2010]
Magandang gabi! Good evening!
Obama’s aides—who have been with him all the way since electoral campaign days—are departing. We do hope to get to the bottom of the real reason behind the departures, such as those of his ideologue chief-of-staff, but it seems the answer will be confined to the White House as classified information.
What we ought to reflect on is, after the departures, where does the wind of public policy—domestic and international—blow for Obama’s government? Will the oversight/regulatory powers be reinforced somehow, to checkmate the intrusive manipulations of financiers in America’s economy? Will the Wilsonian inclination for democracy cum civil rights be sustained in foreign policy?
The North’s economists have already pronounced their evaluation of America’s and Europe’s economies, with pessimistic-to-gloomy forecasts of both continental economies over the next two (2) years. The stimulus package has clearly backfired, unemployment has ballooned to past 9% (may hit 10% by 2011), and poverty incidence has gone up to 15% (from the pre-crisis 12% level).
Meantime, Clinton is entrenched as foreign policy executor, and her presence bodes well for the Wilsonians who have always held sway in the state department. How much can Wilsonian clout remain till the rest of Obama’s term will be up for observation, more so that the midterm election is bound to erode the Democrats’ congressional seats.
To get straight to the point, with Republicans forecast to re-dominate both houses of legislature, both domestic and foreign policy directions are bound to alter. On the foreign policy front, the isolationism of traditional Republicans may come back, thus undermining the ‘engagement policy’ of the Obama regime in the short run.
How many Obama aides are bound to depart soon we can only surmise for now. But it seems that as a forecast fallout of Democrats increases by the day, so shall the Obama aides get to have some quantitative reductions too.
The quantitative reductions in aides could tip the balance inside the White House in favor of a certain policy initiative. So we observers have no choice but to stay glued to the changes right within Obama’s headquarters. We can only hope that a resurgence of the neo-conservatives, who hold sway in Pentagon & Defense, won’t be in the offing.
With the USA’s possible spiral down a 2nd recessionary dip, a return of the hawkish neo-cons to power (they’d be dictating terms for Obama behind closed doors) would spell the doom to America’s prestige worldwide. A neo-cons return would coincide with Israel’s unilateral plan to strike down Iran in hot warfare, an act that could take Obama down the global esteem ratings if he will resonate with the hawks.
The electoral campaigns are now heating up as the polls near, so let us monitor the events very closely in the USA. Just exactly who those Republican additions are in both houses will galvanize very soon, bringing along with them the Jurassic solutions of Reaganomics cum Bush tax cuts, along with Federal Reserve antique tool of interest rate intervention.
[Philippines, 06 October 2010]
bbc news,
cnn news,
Erle Argonza,
fox news,
public administration,
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Erle Frayne D. Argonza
Good day to all ye fellow global citizens!
The Philippines just held a commemorated reflection on the powerful Ondoy typhoon that struck on the 26th of September of 2009, resulting to hundreds of deaths and billions worth of damages. It seems that, one year after, we are basking in a situation that Robert Dahl hypothesized as “after the storm, society in a better authority.”
Well, let us hope that authority (governance) will be better here in the Pearl of the Orient after so many political turmoils. I wish too that America will indeed be under a better authority after the economic and political-military turmoils of the giant Saxon nation.
Terror-builders are well embedded in America’s Establishment, and for as long as such rouge forces are allowed to go unchecked in their heinous crimes, terror cells will continue to rise in America (and its sibling Europe) and wreak havoc there, thus breeding new turmoil. Such terror-builders trace their roots to the Confederate ideologues of civil war ignominy, and they have morphed well across the decades so as to encroach and ensconce in the key institutions of American life.
The Confederate forces may have lost that continental war in the 1800s, but the lost was only temporary. Via underworld vehicles notably the Ku Klux Klan, the Confederates have morphed anew, remade their images so as to hide in thick masks of subterfuges, and have made significant inroads into the core power institutions.
There is no mistake that the neo-conservatives, a hawkish force within the Establishment, is among the new morphs of the Confederates. They are, however, among the front morphs, even as more clandestine groups are operating autonomously of the neo-cons. Ideological and financier operators are the ones consolidating the diverse morphs, ensuring that at any given time special events can be hatched, leaving the Confederate abominations untouched.
The resort to Islamic or jihadist cells is a recent tactic of the Confederates. Islam has been a replacement for communism as a core decoy force that can be used to wage terror events, with the plotters ending up as exquisitely sealed in their true identities. Communism, to recall, was badly decimated in the USA after the Cold War witch-hunting (with Sen. McCarthy serving as front man inquisitor for the fascist-Confederate spinners).
Those cross-burning Klansmen belong to the days of antiquity, even as they’d now look ridiculous in a new social landscape. A repetition of those rituals are only for theatrics, for psychological warfare purposes, and should not be regarded as the real core of the Confederates. The neo-Confederates are far more sophisticated than the small-town goons and should never be under-estimated.
Remember, the neo-Confederates were able to install the neo-cons into power, and with the neo-cons at the nadir the possibility of the Bush father and son on the presidency were made possible. Though the Bush dynasty is already out of power, a government without Bush doesn’t mean the neo-cons have withdrawn in the background, but have consolidated in fact within the Defense establishment.
But since the neo-cons were burnt out by the negative backlash of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which led to the installation of an alternative leader in the person of Obama, the neo-cons are on the defense. The core committees of the Confederates have other operators in mind to mobilize for sure, operators who can display the technocratic savvy and sophistication of the neo-cons.
Whatever will replace the neo-cons as tour de force, the new core operator group is just biding its time as Obama is still in the White House. They can at the minimum work to co-opt Obama more so as White House technocrats are bound to leave their sponsor after the perceived bungling of the economic recovery agenda (read: stimulus package failed). With fewer men to trust, Obama may indeed be cajoled to install more dangerously sociopathic personages in the White House, who will be the new operators of the Confederates.
From the top, they’d be monitoring the terror events taking down more lives, burning buildings, and fulfilling the impact expectations of the echelon abominations. At the maximum, they can assassinate Obama, the success of which will give greater space for the sociopaths-in-power to scale up the terror events.
[Philippines, 04 October 2010]
Good day to all ye fellow global citizens!
The Philippines just held a commemorated reflection on the powerful Ondoy typhoon that struck on the 26th of September of 2009, resulting to hundreds of deaths and billions worth of damages. It seems that, one year after, we are basking in a situation that Robert Dahl hypothesized as “after the storm, society in a better authority.”
Well, let us hope that authority (governance) will be better here in the Pearl of the Orient after so many political turmoils. I wish too that America will indeed be under a better authority after the economic and political-military turmoils of the giant Saxon nation.
Terror-builders are well embedded in America’s Establishment, and for as long as such rouge forces are allowed to go unchecked in their heinous crimes, terror cells will continue to rise in America (and its sibling Europe) and wreak havoc there, thus breeding new turmoil. Such terror-builders trace their roots to the Confederate ideologues of civil war ignominy, and they have morphed well across the decades so as to encroach and ensconce in the key institutions of American life.
The Confederate forces may have lost that continental war in the 1800s, but the lost was only temporary. Via underworld vehicles notably the Ku Klux Klan, the Confederates have morphed anew, remade their images so as to hide in thick masks of subterfuges, and have made significant inroads into the core power institutions.
There is no mistake that the neo-conservatives, a hawkish force within the Establishment, is among the new morphs of the Confederates. They are, however, among the front morphs, even as more clandestine groups are operating autonomously of the neo-cons. Ideological and financier operators are the ones consolidating the diverse morphs, ensuring that at any given time special events can be hatched, leaving the Confederate abominations untouched.
The resort to Islamic or jihadist cells is a recent tactic of the Confederates. Islam has been a replacement for communism as a core decoy force that can be used to wage terror events, with the plotters ending up as exquisitely sealed in their true identities. Communism, to recall, was badly decimated in the USA after the Cold War witch-hunting (with Sen. McCarthy serving as front man inquisitor for the fascist-Confederate spinners).
Those cross-burning Klansmen belong to the days of antiquity, even as they’d now look ridiculous in a new social landscape. A repetition of those rituals are only for theatrics, for psychological warfare purposes, and should not be regarded as the real core of the Confederates. The neo-Confederates are far more sophisticated than the small-town goons and should never be under-estimated.
Remember, the neo-Confederates were able to install the neo-cons into power, and with the neo-cons at the nadir the possibility of the Bush father and son on the presidency were made possible. Though the Bush dynasty is already out of power, a government without Bush doesn’t mean the neo-cons have withdrawn in the background, but have consolidated in fact within the Defense establishment.
But since the neo-cons were burnt out by the negative backlash of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which led to the installation of an alternative leader in the person of Obama, the neo-cons are on the defense. The core committees of the Confederates have other operators in mind to mobilize for sure, operators who can display the technocratic savvy and sophistication of the neo-cons.
Whatever will replace the neo-cons as tour de force, the new core operator group is just biding its time as Obama is still in the White House. They can at the minimum work to co-opt Obama more so as White House technocrats are bound to leave their sponsor after the perceived bungling of the economic recovery agenda (read: stimulus package failed). With fewer men to trust, Obama may indeed be cajoled to install more dangerously sociopathic personages in the White House, who will be the new operators of the Confederates.
From the top, they’d be monitoring the terror events taking down more lives, burning buildings, and fulfilling the impact expectations of the echelon abominations. At the maximum, they can assassinate Obama, the success of which will give greater space for the sociopaths-in-power to scale up the terror events.
[Philippines, 04 October 2010]
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Erle Frayne D. Argonza
Magandang gabi sa inyo! Good evening to you all!
In a previous article, I echoed the contention that the dreaded terrorists of the United States and Europe are inside their respective Establishment. Let me resume this theme, with a highlight on recent historical events in America.
The featured events are (a) the McVeigh bombing of a federal office in Oklahoma, and (b) the Davidian cult in Waco, Texas that was practically annihilated by federal forces. Both events may seem distantly related to the uncritical minds, but to the keen observers of global events they are so closely linked in terms of their command structures.
To go directly to the point, the McVeigh mission team and the Davidian cult were creations of rouge elements inside the US establishment. The latter, to my mind, are the real terrorists who should be closely monitored and exposed by the patriotic forces in the USA. Those rouge elements are out to destroy the fabric of American life altogether, as they are rooted in the causes of the rebel Confederates of civil war era yet whose loyalties seem to lie elsewhere than the Union.
To recall, in the aftermath of the Oklahoma bombing, McVeigh was apprehended and the investigation on the command structure of the bombing mission was relentlessly pursued for a short while. To the shock of the federal investigators, the directors of the bombing pointed to very powerful people on the echelon of the elites of the Union.
The rest was history of course. And by history we mean that the investigation stopped dead in woods. We can only surmise that the investigating teams realized how untouchable the rouge elements are, that a continuation of the exposures thereof could have compromised the very lives of the investigators and their loved ones.
Meanwhile, in another context, a supposed cult in Waco was declared to be a threat to the public order as it was found to have amassed a cache of arms or sort of. Just as the cult’s own dynamics were so wrapped up in mystery, so was the overkill assault of the cult by federal forces wrapped in seemingly unfathomed mystery.
Such an overkill, with the goal of annihilating the cult altogether, meant only one thing: the cultists were living witnesses to the line of command thereof, a line that points upwards to rouge elements in the Establishment. Talkative cultists are a risk to the plotters of the cult’s adventurism, and so they were totally annihilated.
McVeigh, who as per media information was trained in Fort Bragg, was much luckier than the Waco cultists. Luckier in that he was permitted to live physically. Cornered by the arresting team, McVeigh could have thought of getting himself secured by the police forces, for he knew all the while the grave threat to his own life of being apprehended.
But the investigation stopped dead in the woods, as if the federal team involved suddenly fell into a cul de sac. Had they proceeded further with investigations and criminal litigations of the true spinners of McVeigh, they could have opened up a can of worms that could have led to a major crisis in America at a time of relative politico-economic stability.
And so the big challenge to the investigators was how to execute the exit strategy. That is, how to pull out of the task and leave the crime with McVeigh as the main culprit. In the end, the team can rest a bit before their next task, they thus left unscathed by the discovery of the true monsters behind the bombing event.
Those very same terror forces within the Establishment are the very same players who pulled off the 9/11 event. And, shall we hasten to add, every other mysterious cult and terror engagements inside the USA.
What has empowered the terror players immeasurably is the availability of (a) hypnosis and (b) microchip that they can both use in mind control over the terror cells and cult groups. The key leaders of the ground level cells and cults are Manchurian Candidates or MCs who are out on errands for the elite monsters hiding in the shadows of America’s political, legal, business, and media institutions.
It is the supreme duty of the true patriots of America to unveil and expose the true terrorists who are inside the Establishment. Time is of the essence for the patriots of the Union, for failing to act soon enough, they might all see America unravel in the short-run as the Union is confronting another potential recession that can lead to a schism of the social and political forces in their country.
[Philippines, 03 October 2010]
Magandang gabi sa inyo! Good evening to you all!
In a previous article, I echoed the contention that the dreaded terrorists of the United States and Europe are inside their respective Establishment. Let me resume this theme, with a highlight on recent historical events in America.
The featured events are (a) the McVeigh bombing of a federal office in Oklahoma, and (b) the Davidian cult in Waco, Texas that was practically annihilated by federal forces. Both events may seem distantly related to the uncritical minds, but to the keen observers of global events they are so closely linked in terms of their command structures.
To go directly to the point, the McVeigh mission team and the Davidian cult were creations of rouge elements inside the US establishment. The latter, to my mind, are the real terrorists who should be closely monitored and exposed by the patriotic forces in the USA. Those rouge elements are out to destroy the fabric of American life altogether, as they are rooted in the causes of the rebel Confederates of civil war era yet whose loyalties seem to lie elsewhere than the Union.
To recall, in the aftermath of the Oklahoma bombing, McVeigh was apprehended and the investigation on the command structure of the bombing mission was relentlessly pursued for a short while. To the shock of the federal investigators, the directors of the bombing pointed to very powerful people on the echelon of the elites of the Union.
The rest was history of course. And by history we mean that the investigation stopped dead in woods. We can only surmise that the investigating teams realized how untouchable the rouge elements are, that a continuation of the exposures thereof could have compromised the very lives of the investigators and their loved ones.
Meanwhile, in another context, a supposed cult in Waco was declared to be a threat to the public order as it was found to have amassed a cache of arms or sort of. Just as the cult’s own dynamics were so wrapped up in mystery, so was the overkill assault of the cult by federal forces wrapped in seemingly unfathomed mystery.
Such an overkill, with the goal of annihilating the cult altogether, meant only one thing: the cultists were living witnesses to the line of command thereof, a line that points upwards to rouge elements in the Establishment. Talkative cultists are a risk to the plotters of the cult’s adventurism, and so they were totally annihilated.
McVeigh, who as per media information was trained in Fort Bragg, was much luckier than the Waco cultists. Luckier in that he was permitted to live physically. Cornered by the arresting team, McVeigh could have thought of getting himself secured by the police forces, for he knew all the while the grave threat to his own life of being apprehended.
But the investigation stopped dead in the woods, as if the federal team involved suddenly fell into a cul de sac. Had they proceeded further with investigations and criminal litigations of the true spinners of McVeigh, they could have opened up a can of worms that could have led to a major crisis in America at a time of relative politico-economic stability.
And so the big challenge to the investigators was how to execute the exit strategy. That is, how to pull out of the task and leave the crime with McVeigh as the main culprit. In the end, the team can rest a bit before their next task, they thus left unscathed by the discovery of the true monsters behind the bombing event.
Those very same terror forces within the Establishment are the very same players who pulled off the 9/11 event. And, shall we hasten to add, every other mysterious cult and terror engagements inside the USA.
What has empowered the terror players immeasurably is the availability of (a) hypnosis and (b) microchip that they can both use in mind control over the terror cells and cult groups. The key leaders of the ground level cells and cults are Manchurian Candidates or MCs who are out on errands for the elite monsters hiding in the shadows of America’s political, legal, business, and media institutions.
It is the supreme duty of the true patriots of America to unveil and expose the true terrorists who are inside the Establishment. Time is of the essence for the patriots of the Union, for failing to act soon enough, they might all see America unravel in the short-run as the Union is confronting another potential recession that can lead to a schism of the social and political forces in their country.
[Philippines, 03 October 2010]
Davidian cult,
Erle Argonza,
United States
Monday, October 11, 2010
Erle Frayne D. Argonza
Magandang araw sa inyong lahat! Good day to you all!
The White House had recently delivered remarks concerning reports about the latest terrorists in the USA. The report from the top pinpointed supposedly independent small groups scattered across the continent and acting autonomously of each other, thus disseminating terror in far greater ways than before.
Across the Atlantic, Europe’s own leaders have already delivered the same line: that terrorists are independent groups scattered across the continent, sowing dread and damages at scales that are heretofore unprecedented.
We can observe in the bylines of the political-military elites a copycat version of each other. As Europe speaks of the line, so will America copycat it. If America says a line—about terrorism—Europe’s leaders will copycat it. Never mind all those semblances of independent-minded leaders across the Atlantic, that’s only a semblance as the leaders themselves have spin doctors behind them who come from the financier oligarchy of the West/North.
I wish I was born in the ‘cave man’s era’ to believe those sickening line about terrorists across the Atlantic. Having keenly observed global realities since my adolescent days yet (as a student of sociology and political economy), I know all too well that the terrorists who appeared in the political-military landscapes across the decades were criminal elements recruited and commanded by rouge elements within the Establishment.
The terrorists’ tactics may have varied across the decades, but one thing hasn’t varied at all: the financier oligarchs and their political-military subalterns were behind the recruitment, training, indoctrination, and deployment of the criminals-turned-ideologues whose missions shall come at their behest.
From the time of the radical Mazzini up through Russia’s Lenin & Trotsky, we have observed the same pattern: a circle of wealthy oligarchs utilizing operators for sleazy tasks to recruit assassins and malefactors who can be converted to ideologues. Lenin and Trotsky, as per research findings, were both funded by the Rothschildes and their elite circles, tasked with the mission to overthrow the Tsarist line for the refusal of the latter to succumb to the plan of creating a unified Europe under the Habsburg tutelage. Lenin & Trotsky then recruited malefactors of all kinds, notably from the rabble, and the rest was history.
Across the Atlantic, in the USA, the same phenomenon had flourished. White supremacist groups notably the Ku Klux Klan or KKK were directly manipulated by elite circles in the union, circles that added Nazi elites during the Great Depression era. Do you even want to believe that the KKK is dead at this time, supposedly as civil liberties have become granite rock solid since after the assassination of Martin Luther King?
Fast forward to the 9/11 event, and we have the same phenomenon being churned out to repack terrorists supposedly in a new cloth: Islamic jihadists. True, the jihadists came from outside the USA, but the spin doctors of the jihadists were well embedded within the Establishment. These are the true terrorists, those who have been calling the shots in defense and foreign policies particularly, whose faces remain behind masks till these days.
Move back to Europe, examine the likes of the Red terror cells, Carlos the Jackal, Irish Republican Army, and onwards to the jihadist cells, and you’d find the same pattern like some Xerox copies of the US precedents. In ecological language, we call that isomorphism in the politico-military niches.
Terrorists are important to the financier oligarchs for the following purpose: terror attacks in any part of the world create financial-monetary panic in that area, and induces heavy financial flows across borders. Since the financiers have portfolio exposures in that part of the globe, then expect that they will benefit the most from the ‘velocity of financial flows’ induced by the terror attacks.
With the stock markets of both the USA and Europe sputtering again recently, there needs to be a re-oiling of financial flows to take advantage of the situation. And that will be done precisely by unleashing terror groups in both continents to shore up their bourses and derivatives markets for that matter.
What has been alarming for me is that Obama himself seems to be inclined into believing the lie coming from his own spin doctors. Does Obama seriously know the consequences of his own pronouncements post-9/11 commemoration?
[Philippines, 02 October 2010]
Magandang araw sa inyong lahat! Good day to you all!
The White House had recently delivered remarks concerning reports about the latest terrorists in the USA. The report from the top pinpointed supposedly independent small groups scattered across the continent and acting autonomously of each other, thus disseminating terror in far greater ways than before.
Across the Atlantic, Europe’s own leaders have already delivered the same line: that terrorists are independent groups scattered across the continent, sowing dread and damages at scales that are heretofore unprecedented.
We can observe in the bylines of the political-military elites a copycat version of each other. As Europe speaks of the line, so will America copycat it. If America says a line—about terrorism—Europe’s leaders will copycat it. Never mind all those semblances of independent-minded leaders across the Atlantic, that’s only a semblance as the leaders themselves have spin doctors behind them who come from the financier oligarchy of the West/North.
I wish I was born in the ‘cave man’s era’ to believe those sickening line about terrorists across the Atlantic. Having keenly observed global realities since my adolescent days yet (as a student of sociology and political economy), I know all too well that the terrorists who appeared in the political-military landscapes across the decades were criminal elements recruited and commanded by rouge elements within the Establishment.
The terrorists’ tactics may have varied across the decades, but one thing hasn’t varied at all: the financier oligarchs and their political-military subalterns were behind the recruitment, training, indoctrination, and deployment of the criminals-turned-ideologues whose missions shall come at their behest.
From the time of the radical Mazzini up through Russia’s Lenin & Trotsky, we have observed the same pattern: a circle of wealthy oligarchs utilizing operators for sleazy tasks to recruit assassins and malefactors who can be converted to ideologues. Lenin and Trotsky, as per research findings, were both funded by the Rothschildes and their elite circles, tasked with the mission to overthrow the Tsarist line for the refusal of the latter to succumb to the plan of creating a unified Europe under the Habsburg tutelage. Lenin & Trotsky then recruited malefactors of all kinds, notably from the rabble, and the rest was history.
Across the Atlantic, in the USA, the same phenomenon had flourished. White supremacist groups notably the Ku Klux Klan or KKK were directly manipulated by elite circles in the union, circles that added Nazi elites during the Great Depression era. Do you even want to believe that the KKK is dead at this time, supposedly as civil liberties have become granite rock solid since after the assassination of Martin Luther King?
Fast forward to the 9/11 event, and we have the same phenomenon being churned out to repack terrorists supposedly in a new cloth: Islamic jihadists. True, the jihadists came from outside the USA, but the spin doctors of the jihadists were well embedded within the Establishment. These are the true terrorists, those who have been calling the shots in defense and foreign policies particularly, whose faces remain behind masks till these days.
Move back to Europe, examine the likes of the Red terror cells, Carlos the Jackal, Irish Republican Army, and onwards to the jihadist cells, and you’d find the same pattern like some Xerox copies of the US precedents. In ecological language, we call that isomorphism in the politico-military niches.
Terrorists are important to the financier oligarchs for the following purpose: terror attacks in any part of the world create financial-monetary panic in that area, and induces heavy financial flows across borders. Since the financiers have portfolio exposures in that part of the globe, then expect that they will benefit the most from the ‘velocity of financial flows’ induced by the terror attacks.
With the stock markets of both the USA and Europe sputtering again recently, there needs to be a re-oiling of financial flows to take advantage of the situation. And that will be done precisely by unleashing terror groups in both continents to shore up their bourses and derivatives markets for that matter.
What has been alarming for me is that Obama himself seems to be inclined into believing the lie coming from his own spin doctors. Does Obama seriously know the consequences of his own pronouncements post-9/11 commemoration?
[Philippines, 02 October 2010]
al jazeera,
cnn news,
Erle Argonza,
fox news,
Friday, October 08, 2010
Erle Frayne D. Argonza
Good day to all ye fellow global citizens, peace & development advocates!
I have just writ a series of articles about physical regimen and capacity-building. The topic stresses the central import of developing multiple intelligence to capacitate oneself for achieving diverse goals—from physical to spiritual. Let me then continue the trajectory of the topics to focus this time on emotional development.
To start with our discourse, high ‘emotional quotient’ or EQ contributes immensely to the building of our individual capacities. Conversely, low EQ determinately incapacitates us, thus disabling us from achieving our goals in life. This goes true for folks who aspire to graduate from low quality to high quality of life.
Emotional intelligence’s core is attitudes, which could be summed up as the integration of our capabilities to empathize, sympathize, and enact goals from an affective facet. Learning attitudes are particularly foremost in any change program. Good learning attitudes can lead one to succeed in achieving one’s goals, while bad learning attitudes could debilitate one from achieving short- and long-term goals.
Any person who aspires to be a change catalyst for whatever purpose should be equipped with the sufficient level of EQ, otherwise the person involved could be a liability to the change program. Not only should the catalyst be foremost in demonstrating good learning attitudes, the catalyst should also demonstrate the capacity for empathy that begins with good listening, and for sympathy that is exhibited by building sincere rapport and camaraderie.
A catalyst who demonstrates high levels of empathy and at the same time has the knacks for counseling—both the one-on-one and group levels—is a model for one who has high EQ. Such a person has unlearned a childish Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD, or has kept the latter weakness as residual if ever. S/he is sufficiently equipped to handle and manage a change program.
A catalyst who has weak listening abilities (low empathy) but who just the same counsels a client is a bad catalyst. The counsel could be psychosocial interventnion, or financial counsel for livelihood clients, or advisory to an entire poor village for community development, or pro bono legal counsel by grassroots paralegal. Counsel without sufficient listening (with sincerity, goodwill) is intrusive type of counsel.
The message of developing good EQ for grassroots clientele is equally important too. After doing grassroots work for so long a time in my life (beginning with my adolescent years yet), I could readily exhibit to you a long list of defects of the folks that are largely traceable to bad learning attitudes.
Take the case of marginal planters. I’ve heard too many complaints of marginal farmers about miserable living conditions, about inability to raise money to build a decent home, and so on. Yet I see the same folks smoking, drinking, and gambling! I could very easily demonstrate to any poor folk who is afflicted with those vices, that if s/he would take off smoking & drinking at least, s/he could save enough money to build a decent home and buy a service mini-truck.
I’d tell the folk that a Marlboro or equivalent cigarette which sells P35 a pack would total almost P500,000 in four (4) decades, assuming that the folk smokes a pack of cigarette a day, an amount than can build a decent and spacious low-cost house. Meanwhile, if the same person saves the P1,000 a month spent on beer/gin & delicacies, then in four (4) decades s/he could save P500,000, enough to buy a very decent service vehicle for farm use. [P44 is U.S.$1]
Not only are many poor folks afflicted with vices, they also don’t save money for the rainy days. Saving behavior is a huge development challenge in this country, in as much as Filipinos as a whole don’t save. The change is now moving towards the right direction, but the pace of change towards adopting saving is too slow. This situation partly contributes to the low level of national savings in this country compared to the East Asian neighbors.
Let’s take the case of a fisherfolk, who at the end of a fishing schedule offshore makes around P1,000 post-sales. Instead of saving part of the money for the rainy days, the same person would buy some gin & delicacies + cigarettes, calls on kins and pals, and play poker or so with the latter. Comes the start of schooling, the same folk would end up complaining of not having funds for the kids’ schooling needs. Well, what do you expect from a consummate spender!
If a change catalyst (e.g. social worker) would counsel the same folks to begin saving and deposit the same in the bank, the folks would grumble and exclaim “those banks would just rob our funds!” which is indicative of the low attitude for trusting financial institutions. Without extra funds on their account, the same folks would be at the mercy of usurers who charge 20% interest on short-term loans (it’s called 5/6 in my country). Charge it to bad learning attitude!
Now, just by reflecting on bad learning attitude (low EQ) as factor, you can understand why 33% of Filipinos are very poor. The figure was already down 28% in 2001 yet, then it went up again to reach 33% in 2006 (the last time we had systematic poverty studies nationwide). To factor government corruption alone as the cause of ballooning poverty—‘bad governance in public policy jargon—is utter non-sense to me.
There are variegated tools available today for improving one’s own emotional intelligence, and I do highly recommend such tools to catalysts and clientele. They’ve worked for so many people who tried them, so why not try them (again there’s the attitude question of whether to try or not).
If your emotional problems are deep-seated, or that they are of a dysfunctional level, then please consult a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist. It’s best to undergo testing, as the test tool can reveal the extent of dysfunctional syndromes. Anybody with deep-seated emotional or affective disorder syndromes is advised not to attempt at all to be a change catalyst.
To conclude, emotional intelligence is among the factors that contribute to capacity-building. Never miss out on the chance to fortify your EQ as this can capacitate you in no small measure to achieve your core goals in life. The tools are out there waiting for you from some sort of ‘fairy Godmother’ expert or specialist, please go for it for your own sake.
[Philippines, 28 September 2010]
Erle Frayne D. Argonza
Good day to all ye fellow global citizens, peace & development advocates!
I have just writ a series of articles about physical regimen and capacity-building. The topic stresses the central import of developing multiple intelligence to capacitate oneself for achieving diverse goals—from physical to spiritual. Let me then continue the trajectory of the topics to focus this time on emotional development.
To start with our discourse, high ‘emotional quotient’ or EQ contributes immensely to the building of our individual capacities. Conversely, low EQ determinately incapacitates us, thus disabling us from achieving our goals in life. This goes true for folks who aspire to graduate from low quality to high quality of life.
Emotional intelligence’s core is attitudes, which could be summed up as the integration of our capabilities to empathize, sympathize, and enact goals from an affective facet. Learning attitudes are particularly foremost in any change program. Good learning attitudes can lead one to succeed in achieving one’s goals, while bad learning attitudes could debilitate one from achieving short- and long-term goals.
Any person who aspires to be a change catalyst for whatever purpose should be equipped with the sufficient level of EQ, otherwise the person involved could be a liability to the change program. Not only should the catalyst be foremost in demonstrating good learning attitudes, the catalyst should also demonstrate the capacity for empathy that begins with good listening, and for sympathy that is exhibited by building sincere rapport and camaraderie.
A catalyst who demonstrates high levels of empathy and at the same time has the knacks for counseling—both the one-on-one and group levels—is a model for one who has high EQ. Such a person has unlearned a childish Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD, or has kept the latter weakness as residual if ever. S/he is sufficiently equipped to handle and manage a change program.
A catalyst who has weak listening abilities (low empathy) but who just the same counsels a client is a bad catalyst. The counsel could be psychosocial interventnion, or financial counsel for livelihood clients, or advisory to an entire poor village for community development, or pro bono legal counsel by grassroots paralegal. Counsel without sufficient listening (with sincerity, goodwill) is intrusive type of counsel.
The message of developing good EQ for grassroots clientele is equally important too. After doing grassroots work for so long a time in my life (beginning with my adolescent years yet), I could readily exhibit to you a long list of defects of the folks that are largely traceable to bad learning attitudes.
Take the case of marginal planters. I’ve heard too many complaints of marginal farmers about miserable living conditions, about inability to raise money to build a decent home, and so on. Yet I see the same folks smoking, drinking, and gambling! I could very easily demonstrate to any poor folk who is afflicted with those vices, that if s/he would take off smoking & drinking at least, s/he could save enough money to build a decent home and buy a service mini-truck.
I’d tell the folk that a Marlboro or equivalent cigarette which sells P35 a pack would total almost P500,000 in four (4) decades, assuming that the folk smokes a pack of cigarette a day, an amount than can build a decent and spacious low-cost house. Meanwhile, if the same person saves the P1,000 a month spent on beer/gin & delicacies, then in four (4) decades s/he could save P500,000, enough to buy a very decent service vehicle for farm use. [P44 is U.S.$1]
Not only are many poor folks afflicted with vices, they also don’t save money for the rainy days. Saving behavior is a huge development challenge in this country, in as much as Filipinos as a whole don’t save. The change is now moving towards the right direction, but the pace of change towards adopting saving is too slow. This situation partly contributes to the low level of national savings in this country compared to the East Asian neighbors.
Let’s take the case of a fisherfolk, who at the end of a fishing schedule offshore makes around P1,000 post-sales. Instead of saving part of the money for the rainy days, the same person would buy some gin & delicacies + cigarettes, calls on kins and pals, and play poker or so with the latter. Comes the start of schooling, the same folk would end up complaining of not having funds for the kids’ schooling needs. Well, what do you expect from a consummate spender!
If a change catalyst (e.g. social worker) would counsel the same folks to begin saving and deposit the same in the bank, the folks would grumble and exclaim “those banks would just rob our funds!” which is indicative of the low attitude for trusting financial institutions. Without extra funds on their account, the same folks would be at the mercy of usurers who charge 20% interest on short-term loans (it’s called 5/6 in my country). Charge it to bad learning attitude!
Now, just by reflecting on bad learning attitude (low EQ) as factor, you can understand why 33% of Filipinos are very poor. The figure was already down 28% in 2001 yet, then it went up again to reach 33% in 2006 (the last time we had systematic poverty studies nationwide). To factor government corruption alone as the cause of ballooning poverty—‘bad governance in public policy jargon—is utter non-sense to me.
There are variegated tools available today for improving one’s own emotional intelligence, and I do highly recommend such tools to catalysts and clientele. They’ve worked for so many people who tried them, so why not try them (again there’s the attitude question of whether to try or not).
If your emotional problems are deep-seated, or that they are of a dysfunctional level, then please consult a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist. It’s best to undergo testing, as the test tool can reveal the extent of dysfunctional syndromes. Anybody with deep-seated emotional or affective disorder syndromes is advised not to attempt at all to be a change catalyst.
To conclude, emotional intelligence is among the factors that contribute to capacity-building. Never miss out on the chance to fortify your EQ as this can capacitate you in no small measure to achieve your core goals in life. The tools are out there waiting for you from some sort of ‘fairy Godmother’ expert or specialist, please go for it for your own sake.
[Philippines, 28 September 2010]
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Erle Frayne D. Argonza
Magandang araw, mga kapamilyang global! Good day, fellow global family members!
Let me echo a theme that has been reverberating among circles of economists in the USA lately: a new cycle of economic crash. I’ve already begun to echo notes about whether the ‘stimulus package’ did its task as effectively as it can to deliver the goods, notes that connect to what the economists have been saying of late.
Among a leading light of the US economist circles is Joseph Stiglitz, former executive at the World Bank. A brilliant and dynamic mind in America, Stiglitz represents a coterie of rare experts who can be adjudged as independent-minded, for most of America’s experts are intellectual prostitutes whose purses are fattened by their loyal patronage of oligarchic and political interest groups.
America’s economists are again echoing the alarm calls about another round or cycle of recession which could lead the USA into a ‘double-dip recession’ the impact of which could be the worst that the U.S. work force will have ever experienced. The alarm call practically resonates with an identical forewarning by European economists on the bigger crash that could happen to Europe’s already burning economy.
The very same experts are very keen observers of the global economy aside from their deep grounding in their own domestic economies, and so the cautionary echoes include Japan’s and Canada’s economies as well. Practically all of the pillars of the Western economy—all powerful members of the OECD—have been receiving alarm calls from their own economists.
Maybe the media should better seek audiences with other experts as well, notably the sociologists and public policy as well, who have been keenly observant of the domestic (USA’s) and global economies. Why not consult the likes of Peter Evans and Theda Skocpol for instance, who have been doing works over the past decades that run parallel to what economists have been doing?
Chances are that the experts across a broad spectrum of the social sciences will end up with parallel if not identical evaluations about the impact of the stimulus package and the directions of the US economy and society.
The last round of financial reforms and a new stimulus package announced by White House recently just don’t seem to fit into the expectations of the noblesse experts who all trace the economic malaise of America to the effects of excessive liberalization reforms. Those reforms saw the diminution of the ‘real economy’, to note: (a) de-industrialization, (b) agricultural decay, (c) infrastructure neglect and collapse, (d) neglect of transport & communications sectors, and (e) decay/erosion of science & technology.
Whether the Bush & Obama stimulus package was able to shore up the collapsing ‘real/physical economy’ is now doubtful. The recent Obama-initiated reforms is only putting some caps on regulation problems for big business and ensuring some fairness in the games of the financial-monetary sectors. The coming tax cuts are added incentives to big business that do not necessarily ensure the revivification of the physical economy.
And that’s where the rub lies in America today. By the very fact that a new ‘stimulus package’ is being prepared in the pipeline means precisely the failure of the recovery program. As already shared by me in a previous article, the pronouncement of a new pump priming package is already causing jitters among portfolio and long-term investors.
With the investment field blurred anew in the USA, the resuscitation of employment to full employment level had been turned into an elusive dream. Whether tax cuts can induce new investments (inclusive of the realty sector), factoring the new financial reforms, will be a raging debate not only in America but among other global observers as well.
I am now of the opinion that Obama has been badly advised by his own economic team about the policy and institutional options for salving the structural ailments of the US economy. Bad advise means the resort to ‘bad economics’, a behavior that is ‘bad science’. Bad science breeds bad practice, and bad practice breeds disasters and catastrophes.
Will Obama and the policy-makers listen to the independent-minded economists this time?
[Philippines, 01 October 2010]
Erle Frayne D. Argonza
Magandang araw, mga kapamilyang global! Good day, fellow global family members!
Let me echo a theme that has been reverberating among circles of economists in the USA lately: a new cycle of economic crash. I’ve already begun to echo notes about whether the ‘stimulus package’ did its task as effectively as it can to deliver the goods, notes that connect to what the economists have been saying of late.
Among a leading light of the US economist circles is Joseph Stiglitz, former executive at the World Bank. A brilliant and dynamic mind in America, Stiglitz represents a coterie of rare experts who can be adjudged as independent-minded, for most of America’s experts are intellectual prostitutes whose purses are fattened by their loyal patronage of oligarchic and political interest groups.
America’s economists are again echoing the alarm calls about another round or cycle of recession which could lead the USA into a ‘double-dip recession’ the impact of which could be the worst that the U.S. work force will have ever experienced. The alarm call practically resonates with an identical forewarning by European economists on the bigger crash that could happen to Europe’s already burning economy.
The very same experts are very keen observers of the global economy aside from their deep grounding in their own domestic economies, and so the cautionary echoes include Japan’s and Canada’s economies as well. Practically all of the pillars of the Western economy—all powerful members of the OECD—have been receiving alarm calls from their own economists.
Maybe the media should better seek audiences with other experts as well, notably the sociologists and public policy as well, who have been keenly observant of the domestic (USA’s) and global economies. Why not consult the likes of Peter Evans and Theda Skocpol for instance, who have been doing works over the past decades that run parallel to what economists have been doing?
Chances are that the experts across a broad spectrum of the social sciences will end up with parallel if not identical evaluations about the impact of the stimulus package and the directions of the US economy and society.
The last round of financial reforms and a new stimulus package announced by White House recently just don’t seem to fit into the expectations of the noblesse experts who all trace the economic malaise of America to the effects of excessive liberalization reforms. Those reforms saw the diminution of the ‘real economy’, to note: (a) de-industrialization, (b) agricultural decay, (c) infrastructure neglect and collapse, (d) neglect of transport & communications sectors, and (e) decay/erosion of science & technology.
Whether the Bush & Obama stimulus package was able to shore up the collapsing ‘real/physical economy’ is now doubtful. The recent Obama-initiated reforms is only putting some caps on regulation problems for big business and ensuring some fairness in the games of the financial-monetary sectors. The coming tax cuts are added incentives to big business that do not necessarily ensure the revivification of the physical economy.
And that’s where the rub lies in America today. By the very fact that a new ‘stimulus package’ is being prepared in the pipeline means precisely the failure of the recovery program. As already shared by me in a previous article, the pronouncement of a new pump priming package is already causing jitters among portfolio and long-term investors.
With the investment field blurred anew in the USA, the resuscitation of employment to full employment level had been turned into an elusive dream. Whether tax cuts can induce new investments (inclusive of the realty sector), factoring the new financial reforms, will be a raging debate not only in America but among other global observers as well.
I am now of the opinion that Obama has been badly advised by his own economic team about the policy and institutional options for salving the structural ailments of the US economy. Bad advise means the resort to ‘bad economics’, a behavior that is ‘bad science’. Bad science breeds bad practice, and bad practice breeds disasters and catastrophes.
Will Obama and the policy-makers listen to the independent-minded economists this time?
[Philippines, 01 October 2010]
Monday, October 04, 2010
Erle Frayne D. Argonza
Magandang gabi sa mga ka-global citizen! Good evening to fellow global citizens!
It’s now night time as I compose this piece, which is a sequel to the article written earlier titled “Fitness Program & Capacity-Building.” From capacity-building impact I now move to incapacitation as a most likely effect of a neglect of fitness program.
You see, if you really wish to find out about the incapacity that results from fitness program neglect, just visit a hospital and inquire from the epidemiology department whether those who frequent hospitalization have a great deal to do with the lack of fitness regimen. Fix the age limits to those past 30 years old. Chances are that you’ll get the same answer as you verify the matter from one hospital to another: neglect of fitness results to health risks and frequent hospitalization.
Now, go out to a shopping mall and let your eyes scan the people inside the building. Make finger counts as to how many overweight persons there are for every ten (10) shoppers and/or mall visitors. Go up and down the mall, turn your eyes to the left and right, in front of you and behind you, and you’d truly get the shock of your life to find out the fact that overweight is a deadweight reality in today’s fast-paced urban life.
When I visited the USA in 2000, ‘01 & ‘02, I got the shocker of my life for witnessing a humungous quantity of warm bodies afflicted with obesity. My eyes just couldn’t believe how appalling the lifestyles of people are in America, with as much as 2/3 of people in a mall, transport hub or office building manifesting obesity. If only the late Pitirim Sorokin were alive today, he’d faint with disbelief that he could have missed out on obesity as among the indicators of the Crisis of our Age (his classic book).
How appalling indeed urban life and the rat race have made out of today’s habitués across the world, with the USA seemingly taking the lead. My own country, the Philippines, has an incidence of 25% obesity and that could be under-estimated as the figure is moving rapidly to 30% (per Department of Health reports).
The Department of Health technocrats in Manila have already raised the alarm bells in the media over the rising obesity incidence. But alas! No one seems to be paying attention to the experts, as the peoples’ eyes are made to focus on the hunger incidence which afflicts around 20% of the population (poor folks largely). Contrast the hunger of 20% to the obesity of past 25% and you know which figure is indubitably larger.
The absence of a fitness program is truly debilitating, as per my own experience. So dedicated to my grassroots development work in 1981-82, I neglected my physical program and resorted to every kind of rationalization for that neglect. Along the way, I contracted falciparum malaria while doing the rounds of program monitoring of small towns for my employer (Ministry of Human Settlements).
The malaria could have gotten into my veins as early as 1981 yet, but since I was still fresh out of college then (I jogged and walked a lot till graduation time in Oct. 1980) the effects of my previous regimen were still working on my system. Then, came August of 1982, a deadly fever struck me cold turkey that rendered me pathetically bedridden for over three (3) weeks. I almost died from that ailment, which was diagnosed as malaria falciparum.
I had repetitive attacks of the malaria fevers for many months to come, and so I had to be armed with quinine pills at all times. At one time, in early ’84 (I was already beginning graduate school), the fever was so high that it knocked me out unconscious while taking a pee in our apartment’s toilet. I was so lucky then that my friends and siblings, with whom I shared the apartment unit in Manila’s suburbs, were around, so they quickly plucked me out from the toilet (I was still unconscious) and rushed me to the nearest hospital.
Do reckon that I was already beginning with a renewed fitness regimen since late 82 yet, but to no avail! See what inroads of a degenerative disease can do that it can knock you out even if you’re back in the trails of fitness programs. It took some three (3) more years before my body stabilized completely, and no more malaria attack came since then.
But the parasite is with me forever, and I easily chill when the temperature radically drops in any environment (e.g. airconditioned hall). And I can no longer donate blood to those in need, since donating would mean transferring the parasite to the recipient.
My chilly cryptic experience was my own teacher that wakened me up from my physical lethargy. I have since mutated into a wellness buff and lifestyle guru sort-of, even as I continue to re-echo wellness themes whenever the opportunity permits.
To add the cryptic facet to that experience, a first cousin of mine, Eroll Argonza, who was my kababata (childhood playmate) and of identical age, also suffered from a debilitating disease (typhoid) simultaneous with my own malaria attack. My cousin tragically failed to make it, died while struggling in the hospital bed, and was buried when I was just recovering from my own malaria ailment.
The death of my cousin, who was a young bank professional then and had a family of his own (he fathered an only girl child who later graduated from the University of the Philippines and is happily married to a maritime engineer), sent shuddering tectonics and shockwaves for years to come on our entire family lineages. His sad travail was an added teacher to me, mentoring me with the ‘stick’ in hand to never again be remiss on my fitness regimen.
To end this note, let me re-echo the challenge that each and every working man and woman build and sustain a fitness regimen. The overall goal is to capacitate the person. No one forces fitness regimen unto those emotional morons who are indifferent to it, fitness is just a mere choice really. Those among us who are attitudinally smarter should just go ahead and make ourselves physically smarter and serve as exemplars of smartness by doing instead of talking.
[Philippines, 18 September 2010]
Erle Frayne D. Argonza
Magandang gabi sa mga ka-global citizen! Good evening to fellow global citizens!
It’s now night time as I compose this piece, which is a sequel to the article written earlier titled “Fitness Program & Capacity-Building.” From capacity-building impact I now move to incapacitation as a most likely effect of a neglect of fitness program.
You see, if you really wish to find out about the incapacity that results from fitness program neglect, just visit a hospital and inquire from the epidemiology department whether those who frequent hospitalization have a great deal to do with the lack of fitness regimen. Fix the age limits to those past 30 years old. Chances are that you’ll get the same answer as you verify the matter from one hospital to another: neglect of fitness results to health risks and frequent hospitalization.
Now, go out to a shopping mall and let your eyes scan the people inside the building. Make finger counts as to how many overweight persons there are for every ten (10) shoppers and/or mall visitors. Go up and down the mall, turn your eyes to the left and right, in front of you and behind you, and you’d truly get the shock of your life to find out the fact that overweight is a deadweight reality in today’s fast-paced urban life.
When I visited the USA in 2000, ‘01 & ‘02, I got the shocker of my life for witnessing a humungous quantity of warm bodies afflicted with obesity. My eyes just couldn’t believe how appalling the lifestyles of people are in America, with as much as 2/3 of people in a mall, transport hub or office building manifesting obesity. If only the late Pitirim Sorokin were alive today, he’d faint with disbelief that he could have missed out on obesity as among the indicators of the Crisis of our Age (his classic book).
How appalling indeed urban life and the rat race have made out of today’s habitués across the world, with the USA seemingly taking the lead. My own country, the Philippines, has an incidence of 25% obesity and that could be under-estimated as the figure is moving rapidly to 30% (per Department of Health reports).
The Department of Health technocrats in Manila have already raised the alarm bells in the media over the rising obesity incidence. But alas! No one seems to be paying attention to the experts, as the peoples’ eyes are made to focus on the hunger incidence which afflicts around 20% of the population (poor folks largely). Contrast the hunger of 20% to the obesity of past 25% and you know which figure is indubitably larger.
The absence of a fitness program is truly debilitating, as per my own experience. So dedicated to my grassroots development work in 1981-82, I neglected my physical program and resorted to every kind of rationalization for that neglect. Along the way, I contracted falciparum malaria while doing the rounds of program monitoring of small towns for my employer (Ministry of Human Settlements).
The malaria could have gotten into my veins as early as 1981 yet, but since I was still fresh out of college then (I jogged and walked a lot till graduation time in Oct. 1980) the effects of my previous regimen were still working on my system. Then, came August of 1982, a deadly fever struck me cold turkey that rendered me pathetically bedridden for over three (3) weeks. I almost died from that ailment, which was diagnosed as malaria falciparum.
I had repetitive attacks of the malaria fevers for many months to come, and so I had to be armed with quinine pills at all times. At one time, in early ’84 (I was already beginning graduate school), the fever was so high that it knocked me out unconscious while taking a pee in our apartment’s toilet. I was so lucky then that my friends and siblings, with whom I shared the apartment unit in Manila’s suburbs, were around, so they quickly plucked me out from the toilet (I was still unconscious) and rushed me to the nearest hospital.
Do reckon that I was already beginning with a renewed fitness regimen since late 82 yet, but to no avail! See what inroads of a degenerative disease can do that it can knock you out even if you’re back in the trails of fitness programs. It took some three (3) more years before my body stabilized completely, and no more malaria attack came since then.
But the parasite is with me forever, and I easily chill when the temperature radically drops in any environment (e.g. airconditioned hall). And I can no longer donate blood to those in need, since donating would mean transferring the parasite to the recipient.
My chilly cryptic experience was my own teacher that wakened me up from my physical lethargy. I have since mutated into a wellness buff and lifestyle guru sort-of, even as I continue to re-echo wellness themes whenever the opportunity permits.
To add the cryptic facet to that experience, a first cousin of mine, Eroll Argonza, who was my kababata (childhood playmate) and of identical age, also suffered from a debilitating disease (typhoid) simultaneous with my own malaria attack. My cousin tragically failed to make it, died while struggling in the hospital bed, and was buried when I was just recovering from my own malaria ailment.
The death of my cousin, who was a young bank professional then and had a family of his own (he fathered an only girl child who later graduated from the University of the Philippines and is happily married to a maritime engineer), sent shuddering tectonics and shockwaves for years to come on our entire family lineages. His sad travail was an added teacher to me, mentoring me with the ‘stick’ in hand to never again be remiss on my fitness regimen.
To end this note, let me re-echo the challenge that each and every working man and woman build and sustain a fitness regimen. The overall goal is to capacitate the person. No one forces fitness regimen unto those emotional morons who are indifferent to it, fitness is just a mere choice really. Those among us who are attitudinally smarter should just go ahead and make ourselves physically smarter and serve as exemplars of smartness by doing instead of talking.
[Philippines, 18 September 2010]
Friday, October 01, 2010
Erle Frayne D. Argonza
Magandang umaga sa inyo! Good morning to you all!
Let me re-echo the theme of physical fitness in this note, with my contention being that fitness regimen contributes immensely to capacity-building. Conversely, the neglect of a fitness program—sustained across time—would incapacitate a person in no small measure, leading to even greater risks of physical degeneration and short life-span.
I have already tackled fitness programming numerous times in the past, notably in speeches on development, health and wellness. I’ve likewise wrote notes about the matter, with one note posted in my wisdom & self-development blogs (“Health & wellness: promoting longevity, prosperity, harmony,” in,
Rest assured, I shall never get tired of re-echoing the theme. Whatever one wishes to use fitness program for, whether for advancing one’s material well-being (profession, craft, business) or spiritual self-development, the lesson should be as clear as the most transparent water: build and sustain a fitness program to capacitate you for your short- and long-term goal attainment.
To note, urban life and the rat race are skyrocketing to take up the largest chunks of peoples’ attention, and that chunk of attention includes neglecting fitness in favor of conspicuous consumption and toxin build-up of the biophysical body. Every kind of rationalization is advanced by the working folks to justify the neglect of fitness program, and they’d blame every external factor (work, their boss, career, money…) to cover up for their personal weakness in neglecting a very basic practice in life: fitness regimen.
I do resonate with the physical education professors, such as Prof. Mar Panganiban of the University of the Philippines Manila (a former colleague at my home College of Arts & Sciences), when they cogitate that “the amount of inputs ingested in the body should be commensurately followed by an equivalent quantity of outputs.” Input means, of course, sums of food intakes; outputs, the burning of calories and detoxification through physical exercises.
To take the argument further, “should you put excessive inputs in the body but output is less than the input, than you build up unwanted fats and toxins.” That is classic systems analysis, where a system breakdown if the output can’t churn out much to correspond to high input levels.
So the logical conclusion is: ensure that output level (exercises and related detoxifications) should catch up with, or level with, the level of input. If a person inputs 2,000 calories per day or 14,000 calories per week, but output consists mainly of work routines and mobility exertion routines (driving or riding to work and back home), then chances are that the output is lower than the input.
The average weight for that calorie level is middle weight (for man or woman), or approximately 145-160 pounds. So if a person of this weight range ingests such levels of inputs, the demand for output is clear: let fitness exercise be added on top of your work regimen and mobility exertions. Aside from that, find ways to detoxify through regular drinking of herbal teas averaging two (2) mugs a day.
Avoid sweets, carbonated drinks (eliminate them if possible) and junk foods. If it can’t be avoided that you take caffeine (to waken up for the day) accompanied by sugar, then that’s alright, provided that you burn the sugar and detoxify the excess through herbal teas at night time (they can serve as beverage accompanying dinner).
And please drink enough water every day. In my experience, I drink a minimum of fifteen (15) glasses/mugs of water daily. That includes water used for mixing my coffee before breakfast, milk choco accompanying breakfast, two (2) coffees in to go with afternoon snacks, and the two (2) mugs of herbal tea at night. My last glass of water is consumed in sips every time I wake up at night to pee. The coffee and herbal teas that I drink are diuretics that aid the water to be released, taking out the toxins in the process.
As a testimony, it was my fitness programs (swim & jug in the 80s, powerlifting since 1990) that capacitated me to work longer hours daily. Without a fitness regimen, I would already feel fatigued before 5:00 p.m. (I really felt such a bad state in 1981 & ‘82 as a starting young professional). With fitness program in hand, I can begin work at 6 a.m. (prep for breakfast & work) and end up at past 10 p.m. (I’d be meeting fellow professionals or development clients, or drafting documents).
After decades of fitness regimen, my body has become so primed up that today I had cut down on exercises and still remain physically adroit the whole day. I’ve also cut down on inputs (diet) to accompany my cutting down of burning regimen. Whereas I used to gym for four (4) days a week, today I sustain it with only two (2) days plus another three (3) days of walking (at least 45 minutes leisurely walk).
It surely pays to listen to your body, conscience and experience that are your teachers along your way. And, it pays never to listen to your ‘inner demon’ that would do everything to get you out of a fitness regimen, make you lazy and rush you to hospitals later for repetitive ailment attacks.
So the choice is really yours. Change your lifestyle now, include fitness regimen in it, or retain your lazy bone lifestyle and deposit as many fats and toxins in your system. Go ahead and make the choice.
[Philippines, 18 September 2010]
Erle Frayne D. Argonza
Magandang umaga sa inyo! Good morning to you all!
Let me re-echo the theme of physical fitness in this note, with my contention being that fitness regimen contributes immensely to capacity-building. Conversely, the neglect of a fitness program—sustained across time—would incapacitate a person in no small measure, leading to even greater risks of physical degeneration and short life-span.
I have already tackled fitness programming numerous times in the past, notably in speeches on development, health and wellness. I’ve likewise wrote notes about the matter, with one note posted in my wisdom & self-development blogs (“Health & wellness: promoting longevity, prosperity, harmony,” in,
Rest assured, I shall never get tired of re-echoing the theme. Whatever one wishes to use fitness program for, whether for advancing one’s material well-being (profession, craft, business) or spiritual self-development, the lesson should be as clear as the most transparent water: build and sustain a fitness program to capacitate you for your short- and long-term goal attainment.
To note, urban life and the rat race are skyrocketing to take up the largest chunks of peoples’ attention, and that chunk of attention includes neglecting fitness in favor of conspicuous consumption and toxin build-up of the biophysical body. Every kind of rationalization is advanced by the working folks to justify the neglect of fitness program, and they’d blame every external factor (work, their boss, career, money…) to cover up for their personal weakness in neglecting a very basic practice in life: fitness regimen.
I do resonate with the physical education professors, such as Prof. Mar Panganiban of the University of the Philippines Manila (a former colleague at my home College of Arts & Sciences), when they cogitate that “the amount of inputs ingested in the body should be commensurately followed by an equivalent quantity of outputs.” Input means, of course, sums of food intakes; outputs, the burning of calories and detoxification through physical exercises.
To take the argument further, “should you put excessive inputs in the body but output is less than the input, than you build up unwanted fats and toxins.” That is classic systems analysis, where a system breakdown if the output can’t churn out much to correspond to high input levels.
So the logical conclusion is: ensure that output level (exercises and related detoxifications) should catch up with, or level with, the level of input. If a person inputs 2,000 calories per day or 14,000 calories per week, but output consists mainly of work routines and mobility exertion routines (driving or riding to work and back home), then chances are that the output is lower than the input.
The average weight for that calorie level is middle weight (for man or woman), or approximately 145-160 pounds. So if a person of this weight range ingests such levels of inputs, the demand for output is clear: let fitness exercise be added on top of your work regimen and mobility exertions. Aside from that, find ways to detoxify through regular drinking of herbal teas averaging two (2) mugs a day.
Avoid sweets, carbonated drinks (eliminate them if possible) and junk foods. If it can’t be avoided that you take caffeine (to waken up for the day) accompanied by sugar, then that’s alright, provided that you burn the sugar and detoxify the excess through herbal teas at night time (they can serve as beverage accompanying dinner).
And please drink enough water every day. In my experience, I drink a minimum of fifteen (15) glasses/mugs of water daily. That includes water used for mixing my coffee before breakfast, milk choco accompanying breakfast, two (2) coffees in to go with afternoon snacks, and the two (2) mugs of herbal tea at night. My last glass of water is consumed in sips every time I wake up at night to pee. The coffee and herbal teas that I drink are diuretics that aid the water to be released, taking out the toxins in the process.
As a testimony, it was my fitness programs (swim & jug in the 80s, powerlifting since 1990) that capacitated me to work longer hours daily. Without a fitness regimen, I would already feel fatigued before 5:00 p.m. (I really felt such a bad state in 1981 & ‘82 as a starting young professional). With fitness program in hand, I can begin work at 6 a.m. (prep for breakfast & work) and end up at past 10 p.m. (I’d be meeting fellow professionals or development clients, or drafting documents).
After decades of fitness regimen, my body has become so primed up that today I had cut down on exercises and still remain physically adroit the whole day. I’ve also cut down on inputs (diet) to accompany my cutting down of burning regimen. Whereas I used to gym for four (4) days a week, today I sustain it with only two (2) days plus another three (3) days of walking (at least 45 minutes leisurely walk).
It surely pays to listen to your body, conscience and experience that are your teachers along your way. And, it pays never to listen to your ‘inner demon’ that would do everything to get you out of a fitness regimen, make you lazy and rush you to hospitals later for repetitive ailment attacks.
So the choice is really yours. Change your lifestyle now, include fitness regimen in it, or retain your lazy bone lifestyle and deposit as many fats and toxins in your system. Go ahead and make the choice.
[Philippines, 18 September 2010]
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