Finalist-PhilBlogAwards 2010

Finalist-PhilBlogAwards 2010
Finalist for society, politics, history blogs



Thursday, July 30, 2015



Erle Frayne D. Argonza

Gracious Day to you all!

I was invited to be the resource speaker for a Round Table Discussion just last 26th of July, 2:30-4:30 pm, on the subject titled “Planet Nibiru: Flyby, Catastrophe, Challenges.” A discussion group—Insight Fellowship Circle—conducted the discussion, as they regularly hold discursive engagements regularly on a monthly basis.

For a quick browse on my talk & discussion, please follow the following publication [summary of the Nibiru RTD] in this same IKONOKLAST:

Many questions and inputs from the Fellows of the Circle did crop up during the RTD on Nibiru. Being Filipinos who are based in the global city of the nation—Metropolitan Manila—they were interested to know most of all the prospect of Manila being damaged by the catastrophe.

My answers to their queries were very straight forward. As regards the whole Philippine Islands, my estimate is that 6/7 of the archipelago will sink to the seabed as it goes along the tectonic plate (Philippine plate) that will most likely experience subsidence during the catastrophe peak (c. April-May 2017).

Manila falls mainly on the Western side of the quake fault. Almost all lands to the west of that Fault will go below the sea level, as a combination of monster quakes, tsunami past 150 meters altitude, and superstorms will smash up the entire metropolis and archipelago probably beginning on the last week of April of 2017 (or maybe 2016 as some other analysts and researchers argue).

I actually had too many meditation and dream visions—precognitive sensory observations—of the forthcoming global catastrophe, from the late 1980s through the current year (2015). Tsunami 7-10 times taller than the tallest coconut trees, waves taller than condominiums, entering the Manila bay; waters rising fast, inundating a high rise city section, rapidly gobbling up a condominium whose panicky residents tried to pump out the waters but to no avail; ghost city with no residents to boot, its high rise structures already in total shambles and rubbles, with the last standing structures of a high rise building (close up view) crashing down as its weakened structure can’t withstand the pressures of accumulated waters on its upper storeys; and more.

In 2012, the last dream vision one fine night showed that my present residency then, a 4-floor apartment, was filled with waters. I was then residing at the 4th floor, which, as per my vision, was filled with water like it were an aquarium full of clear water, with fishes gamely fishing about. I instantly felt difficulty in breathing during the dream scene, like I were simulating the feeling of those persons who will die by drowning.

That residence, in UP Village of the hilly Quezon City, lies to the West of the Fault. Being clearly sunken, like unto an aquarium, is indicative of the possibility of a sunken Manila (metro) after the catastrophe. Amusingly, the water of the “new sea” was so clean, thus showing the effect of the melted ice caps that will cleanse dirt and salt off the dirty waters of modernity, ensuring new life for aquatic species.

I had a recent vision, in dream, showing my present residence in total shambles. Yet this residence’s neighborhood remains intact, though a ghost town of totally flattened homes and buildings, in a hilly area near the Commonwealth Avenue of Quezon City. My 2-floor aparment building was merely a single floor in the vision, the roof gone and so is the cement structure of the 2nd storey, all window materials gone, the wall on one side totally gone. Like bombed out by warplanes, the scenery so surreally dreadful.

That the apartment building and neighboring structures still stand, as per dream vision, is indicative of the survival of the East side of the fault after the catastrophe. Social, cultural, and economic life can always return on that side, which can extend all the way eastward to the Rizal highlands that will, in the main, be the safe havens for survivors.

In 2012 did I also see precognitive vision of a future Big City that will be encased on crystalline dome. Several times did I see such dome contours rising from the plateau or related areas of the Rizal highlands, probably at the edge of Antipolo on its south moving northwards toward BosoBoso, Tanay, and contiguous areas. The future city I saw while standing at the patio of the 4th floor of my residential unit, often at noontime during warm sunny days.

Appreciably, Manila’s quake & calamities preparedness is being honed at this juncture. As of this writing, a Big Quake drill was held in the whole metropolis, with certain national agencies, e.g. Department of Health, steamrolling the preparedness simulation. This preparedness honing bodes well for Manilans as a whole. Hopefully, such a preparedness will be extended to monitoring the skies or space for celestial bodies approaching that may indeed bring forth catastrophe, such as the Planet X or Nibiru, comets, and big meteors.

[30 July 2015]

Thursday, July 16, 2015


Manila Ph, July 2015

·         Sociologist & Economist, Development Specialist, Spiritual Teacher/Initiate – Brotherhood of Light
·         4 Books & 56+ Academic/analytic articles published
·         Blogs: IKONOKLAST-, ARGONZAPOEM –, COSMICBUHAY –, ASCENSIONGUARDIAN – ascensionguardian.blogspot.coms
Planet Nibiru or 10th Planet (UB213) currently revolves back to the Sun, simultaneously as the Sun’s twin star returns. Upon flyby on Earth’s orbital (or near it) as both heavenly bodies return to far space beyond Pluto, catastrophe is the expected impact. Humanity is confronted with gargantuan challenges to survive, revive civilization, and surpass its present level of social and spiritual progress. [Nibiru revolves around the Sun every 3600 years, while the Brown Dwarf does so every 26,000,000 years.]
H.P. Blavatsky on 30 Planets. Initiate, Theosophical co-founder, 1st Dispensation messenger. In her essay about “Planets Visible and Invisible,” she revealed that the Solar System has 30 total planets: 10 visible, 20 invisible (higher dimensional). She also mentioned about a sun/star behind Jupiter…Astronomers confirmed only 8 planets by the time HPB died in 1890. Later, Nemesis, twin star of Sun, discovered.
Blavatsky on Polar Changes. Across her writings, notably Secret Doctrine, she contended that the Earth’s poles change periodically. The time draws near when such a change takes place, shifting the locations of the poles and axis.
Search for Planet X, Pluto Discovered. At the turn of the century (20th), the search for planet X was partly fulfilled as Pluto was discovered c. 1930. That, however, didn’t stop astronomers from searching for Planet X. In the 1950s alone, over 100 research articles dealt with Planet X (as per Gerald Clark’s report).
Dwhjal Khul Prophesies Visibility of Etheric Plane Planets prior to 21st Century End. Initiate & guru, channeled his Wisdom contributions via Alice Bailey. Accordingly, people’s Etheric Body Eyes will open, enabling vision of etheric plane ecology, devas (violet), and planets. His 1918-48 messenger mission was to release 2nd Dispensation of the Wisdom. [See Treatise on White Magic, and Treatise on Cosmic Fire]

Edgar Cayce Prophesies Polar Shift & Cataclysm. Initiate and healer, he revealed in his psychic readings (done 1938-42) that a planetary polar shift will happen, resulting to cataclysm, by end of period 1958-98. Landforms change as continental parts sink while new lands emerge from the oceans. Floods & submergence of Europe, Japan, India, U.S. coasts + interiors vividly described. California returns to the sea even before the shift. [See book of Jesse Stern, Sleeping Prophet]
Carlos Ferrada Predicts Planet Hercolobus & Dark Star Flyby, Catastrophe. Brilliant Chilean astronomer, predicted in 1940 that a 10th planet (Hercolobus) and Sun’s twin star (Dark Star) will flyby Earth, resulting to catastrophe. 10th Planet will be as near as 14 million kms on flyby. [See Marshall Masters’ & YowUSA report]
Dr. Zecharia Sitchin Releases Sumerian Tablets Study, Nibiru & 3600-Year Revolution. Cultural anthropologist, among few experts of hieroglyphics. Accordingly, Sumerians clearly described the Nibiru planet’s location, revolution, its races of Annunaki (who bred Earth humans), factional clashes (Enlil vs Enki), possible return very soon. [See book 12th Planet, 1977]
USA Pioneer & Voyager Space Missions, Planet X Secrecy. Since after Apollo, USA sent off space missions to far space. Voyager mission purposes were tight-lipped. After preliminary findings from the missions, 100+ UG (underground) bases were built, using trillions of dollars. UG computer system launched, to compute precise calculations of a planet X. Puzzling UG facilities investigated, ending in cul de sac. [See Bob Fletcher reports]
Dr. Harrington (US Naval astronomer) Discovers Planet X! Top caliber astronomer, built observatory in New Zealand (south hemisphere). Requesting access to both Pioneer and Voyager telescopes in far space, he observed astounding presence and specs of a Planet X as it was approaching Solar System from behind Neptune & Uranus, with mass 5X larger than Earth’s. He publicly released his report in 1992, interacted with Sitchin who interviewed him for a documentary. In 1993, he died of cancer.
Vatican Accepts ETs, Observatory in Arizona, Ends Sci vs Spirituality Debate. Vatican built two special units, the astronomical bureau (managed by Cardinal Balducci) and Religion & Science bureau (directed by a sociologist). Vatican had since openly pronounced ET existence, life in other worlds, and ended Religion vs Science debates. It installed an infrared telescope observatory in Arizona (Nibiru observe!) to augment its two (2) earlier observatories. Philosophically it had advanced ahead of other churches and of most scientists. Its knowledge vanguardism is an offshoot of openness policy of Vatican II.
Russia, China, Europe Elites Build UG Shelters, Catastrophe Preparedness. Russia built 5000 UG bases, China built both small and extralarge bases, European elites built shelters in the Alps. Following the US precedence, these powers are catastrophe-prepared.
Sal Rachele Forecasts 2017 Wormwood Flyby, Catastrophe. Initiate, academic & guru, predicted nearly 10 years ago yet that the biblical Wormwood will flyby comes Year 2017. His time frame tallies with calculations of experts. He is among the 100 messengers of 3rd Dispensation who were most emphatic on the planetary Ascension. [See]
More Scientists Join Research & Forewarnings! Led by astronomers, more experts have been coming forward about Nibiru & Brown Dwarf. Collaborating with astronomers are physicists, mathematicians, engineers, social scientists, communicators, independent researchers. Latest estimate is that Nibiru’s diameter is 22X larger than Earth’s (see Gerald Clark reports). 2017 is most likely flyby (crosses Earth orbital). YowUSA reports that Nibiru now revolves around Brown Dwarf among its 3 planets.
Cataclysms After 2nd Q 2017 Nibiru Flyby. Electromagnetic excesses, dust storms, dark days & nights, monster quakes, superstorms, super-tornadoes, giant tsunamis, massive floods, polar shift. Japan, Europe, India, Korean peninsula, eastern Australia, US east & west coasts (150-km sea becomes of Mississippi River), Central America, vast parts of ASEAN (Ph 6/7 sunken), vast parts of Siberia, coastal China, Arabian peninsula possible bygones. New lands arise elsewhere. As per YowUSA, the tidal powers or pulls by Nibiru-Brown Dwarf-Other Planets suffice to empty an ocean and splash the gigantic tsunamis on land. E. Argonza visions past 100-meter tsunamis, totally destroyed cities & rural zones, Manila’s west sunken (west of Faultline below sea) though east can survive. Places nearest Equator expect tallest tsunami and sinkings.

Monday, July 06, 2015



Erle Frayne  Argonza
Visionary genius, patriot, martyr for Philippine independence, Gat Jose Rizal was a man too far ahead of his own time. So titanic was the luck that came upon this blessed archipelago, the Philippine islands, for the embodiment among its humble people of this encyclopedic mind, Dr. Jose Rizal. He is impeccably a ‘man for all seasons’. And he is the national hero of the Philippine nation.
Most nations declare among their top patriots a warrior or military leader as their ‘national hero’. But for the Philippines, ours’ is a genius, an intellectual giant, a mind capable of engaging in issues so recondite and subjects so diverse that, in so short a span, he was able to pen an enormous variegation of topics that befit, in their totality, an encyclopedia. At the age of 35, he was terminated by the demonic imperial forces of Spain, but he never died in vain. On the contrary, his death continued to inspire libertarian patriots here and in other Asian lands, an inspiration that continues for our youth till these days.
Mystically gifted, little did people know that he was actually transformed into a spiritual guru before his death. His guruship was unique, in that he mentored his fellows on the wisdom of nationhood and patriotism. One of his avowed readers if not disciples, Mohandas Gandhi of India, followed in his steps and became, upon his transformation into a spiritual master, a mentor of nationhood and patriotism just like Rizal.
So mighty a mind Rizal possessed, without doubt, that till these days his works overshadow the combined works of his own fellow patriots, including those who’ve gained double doctorate degrees and published widely in academic circles. Rizal’s following is solid, he need not further articulate nor gesticulate thoughts in the vogue of a desperate social marketing campaign, for even long after his death, youthful and scholarly minds read him, try to follow his ethical precepts, and emulate his exemplary patriotic behavior.
He was the first Filipino. Before his time, the term Filipino was bestowed only on those Spaniards born and raised in the Philipines. The Malayan natives were pejoratively called Indios; Chinese, Sangleys; Aetas and IPs, negritos and montanosas; and Muslims, Moros. With scathing indictment of arrogant racism of  Spaniards most especially the friars, Rizal declared, with his mighty pen, that from this day on everybody born and raised in the islands will be called Filipino. That was how we islanders were to be bestowed with the name Filipino, a term that will stick till way into the distant future when a ‘Filipino race’ will evolve from out of a mere nationality today.
In his thoughts he pre-empted the political philosophy of Antonio Gramsci, the eminent Marxist leader of the Italian Left. Rizal mentored his fellow patriots that it will prove unwise to wage an insurrectionary campaign and seize political power, at a time when the ideas of nationhood haven’t permeated the private sphere yet. The most fitting strategy for that long-term goal—of building nationhood—is education. Build the new world’s ideas first till they become hegemonic, after which winning a revolution will be more facile as it was in the French revolution. That’s Rizal, and that’s Gramsci as well, but Rizal preceded Gramsci, let the world be made aware of this fact.
In gender relations, Rizal was no less ahead of his time. He scorned the ‘Old World woman complex’ so deeply that he chose to bury this woman in catacombs of history, which he did by killing Maria Clara, the Old World’s embodiment, in his novels. He advanced the idea of Modern Woman in the figures of the ‘women of Malolos’, even as he championed women who were civic-minded, actively engaged as co-partner in shaping the modern world, intellectually adroit and well-schooled. The Filipino nation he likened to the figure of Sisa in his novels, a nurturing mother who no matter under dire duress will never self-destruct but will stand out firm, tall and well-esteemed by fellows.
Amid Rizal’s liberalism, he never had any fondness for anarchism. Following Zola’s novel-writing tradition (e.g. Germinal), Rizal embodied the anarchist in the young bourgeois creole Ibarra who, at the end of his novel scripts, self-destructed. Anarchism can never be a substitute for prudent authority that should follow the Enlightenment principles of reason, progress, fraternity, and scientific verity. He was a true-blue liberal nationalist, never an anarchist.
We Filipino nationalists will continue to be inspired by Gat Jose Rizal. And his thoughts, the most treasured jewels of Asia during his time, will continue to inspire us, diadems that we magnanimously share to all enthused Fellows of the Planet, thoughts that mentor and serve as balm on the soul, like unto those writ by the most sagely personages. For these are the thoughts of a man no less sagely than the wisest of the days of old, thoughts that long after they are gone will continue to make waves into the minds of men and women of many generations yet to come.
Hail Gat Jose Rizal! Glory, genius, grandeur!
[12 June 2008, Quezon City, MetroManila]