Finalist-PhilBlogAwards 2010

Finalist-PhilBlogAwards 2010
Finalist for society, politics, history blogs



Thursday, July 30, 2015



Erle Frayne D. Argonza

Gracious Day to you all!

I was invited to be the resource speaker for a Round Table Discussion just last 26th of July, 2:30-4:30 pm, on the subject titled “Planet Nibiru: Flyby, Catastrophe, Challenges.” A discussion group—Insight Fellowship Circle—conducted the discussion, as they regularly hold discursive engagements regularly on a monthly basis.

For a quick browse on my talk & discussion, please follow the following publication [summary of the Nibiru RTD] in this same IKONOKLAST:

Many questions and inputs from the Fellows of the Circle did crop up during the RTD on Nibiru. Being Filipinos who are based in the global city of the nation—Metropolitan Manila—they were interested to know most of all the prospect of Manila being damaged by the catastrophe.

My answers to their queries were very straight forward. As regards the whole Philippine Islands, my estimate is that 6/7 of the archipelago will sink to the seabed as it goes along the tectonic plate (Philippine plate) that will most likely experience subsidence during the catastrophe peak (c. April-May 2017).

Manila falls mainly on the Western side of the quake fault. Almost all lands to the west of that Fault will go below the sea level, as a combination of monster quakes, tsunami past 150 meters altitude, and superstorms will smash up the entire metropolis and archipelago probably beginning on the last week of April of 2017 (or maybe 2016 as some other analysts and researchers argue).

I actually had too many meditation and dream visions—precognitive sensory observations—of the forthcoming global catastrophe, from the late 1980s through the current year (2015). Tsunami 7-10 times taller than the tallest coconut trees, waves taller than condominiums, entering the Manila bay; waters rising fast, inundating a high rise city section, rapidly gobbling up a condominium whose panicky residents tried to pump out the waters but to no avail; ghost city with no residents to boot, its high rise structures already in total shambles and rubbles, with the last standing structures of a high rise building (close up view) crashing down as its weakened structure can’t withstand the pressures of accumulated waters on its upper storeys; and more.

In 2012, the last dream vision one fine night showed that my present residency then, a 4-floor apartment, was filled with waters. I was then residing at the 4th floor, which, as per my vision, was filled with water like it were an aquarium full of clear water, with fishes gamely fishing about. I instantly felt difficulty in breathing during the dream scene, like I were simulating the feeling of those persons who will die by drowning.

That residence, in UP Village of the hilly Quezon City, lies to the West of the Fault. Being clearly sunken, like unto an aquarium, is indicative of the possibility of a sunken Manila (metro) after the catastrophe. Amusingly, the water of the “new sea” was so clean, thus showing the effect of the melted ice caps that will cleanse dirt and salt off the dirty waters of modernity, ensuring new life for aquatic species.

I had a recent vision, in dream, showing my present residence in total shambles. Yet this residence’s neighborhood remains intact, though a ghost town of totally flattened homes and buildings, in a hilly area near the Commonwealth Avenue of Quezon City. My 2-floor aparment building was merely a single floor in the vision, the roof gone and so is the cement structure of the 2nd storey, all window materials gone, the wall on one side totally gone. Like bombed out by warplanes, the scenery so surreally dreadful.

That the apartment building and neighboring structures still stand, as per dream vision, is indicative of the survival of the East side of the fault after the catastrophe. Social, cultural, and economic life can always return on that side, which can extend all the way eastward to the Rizal highlands that will, in the main, be the safe havens for survivors.

In 2012 did I also see precognitive vision of a future Big City that will be encased on crystalline dome. Several times did I see such dome contours rising from the plateau or related areas of the Rizal highlands, probably at the edge of Antipolo on its south moving northwards toward BosoBoso, Tanay, and contiguous areas. The future city I saw while standing at the patio of the 4th floor of my residential unit, often at noontime during warm sunny days.

Appreciably, Manila’s quake & calamities preparedness is being honed at this juncture. As of this writing, a Big Quake drill was held in the whole metropolis, with certain national agencies, e.g. Department of Health, steamrolling the preparedness simulation. This preparedness honing bodes well for Manilans as a whole. Hopefully, such a preparedness will be extended to monitoring the skies or space for celestial bodies approaching that may indeed bring forth catastrophe, such as the Planet X or Nibiru, comets, and big meteors.

[30 July 2015]

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